Cease fire….seems odd

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    Now that a cease fire has been agreed upon it seems odd to me that it could take 6 more weeks for the agreed upon amount of hostages to be released. I’m pretty sure Hamas knows where they are. For the families sake I hope this all works out but I have my doubts.

    Posts: 25016

    Most of the rumored hostages are feared to be dead

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    Most of the rumored hostages are feared to be dead

    That may very well be true but why would Hamas agree to people they know are dead? Seems to me that would only fire up Israel to break the cease fire and continue the bombing. To be honest I don’t know how Gaza has lasted as long as it has. Everything I see it’s pretty much just rubble.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2118

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    Most of the rumored hostages are feared to be dead

    That may very well be true but why would Hamas agree to people they know are dead? Seems to me that would only fire up Israel to break the cease fire and continue the bombing. To be honest I don’t know how Gaza has lasted as long as it has. Everything I see it’s pretty much just rubble.

    I agree. I’m pretty certain we’re in for some pretty intense “hit here pretty quick. Hope I’m wrong and everyone is healthy and safe. Prayers are with them.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2275

    I don’t think Hamas has ever been accused of being smart or logical thinkers or making decisions based in logic. They choose to continue to fight a war with people who have the ability to make their pagers blow up. Hamas is driven purely on the blind emotion of hate. It will never change. This ceasefire is only temporary it may last weeks, months or years but there will be many more cease fires needed in the years to come.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1654

    How many hostages does Hamas still have?
    I just seen a report that 3 have just been released.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    I believe there are 90 something missing.

    Posts: 811

    Who is dumb enough to think Hamas will keep their word? They agreed to cease fire so they could re-arm, etc. I wouldn”t trust them. They are murderous thugs who only have one goal, to destroy every Jew. I wonder what Donald has up his sleeve for these guys?

    South Metro
    Posts: 2118

    Hopefully Armageddon flame

    Posts: 6696

    Peace is temporary.

    Doesn’t matter where in the world it happens, but especially there.

    Posts: 265

    I don’t think Hamas has ever been accused of being smart or logical thinkers or making decisions based in logic. They choose to continue to fight a war with people who have the ability to make their pagers blow up. Hamas is driven purely on the blind emotion of hate. It will never change. This ceasefire is only temporary it may last weeks, months or years but there will be many more cease fires needed in the years to come.

    Not smart?? Last I saw deal was for 33 hostages to 1900 terrerist on the exchange. Fairly good negotiations from the ones who started it.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    I just saw on the news the first hostages made it out. Gonna be a long mental and maybe physical recovery ahead for them.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    Its temporary but we know why it happened. Today is a good day.

    1. IMG_0342_jpeg-3439175.jpg

    South Metro
    Posts: 2118

    Back to common sense. Get them all home YESTERDAY
    Yes, I said it “out loud” wave

    Posts: 769

    suzuki, now there’s a magazine cover that will make one sick.
    Question for the day: What kind of wine goes with the end of DEMOCRACY?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    What kind of wine goes with the end of DEMOCRACY

    Fermented liberal tears. Cutesy time is over.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1893

    suzuki, now there’s a magazine cover that will make one sick.
    Question for the day: What kind of wine goes with the end of DEMOCRACY?

    Does that mean we can go back to being a constitutional republic?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22975

    Over half the country is giddy and the other’s are clueless.

    Posts: 4485

    If Trump wasnt such an arrogant asswad more than half would be giddy. Im in your half but he could learn to tone it down.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3198

    Over half the country is giddy and the other’s are clueless.

    Quite the claim when he got slightly less than half the popular vote and only about 2/3rd of the eligible voted.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22975

    ok 49.9 % SEMANTICS… RFK votes were thrown on purpose.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    All I know is the feeling of optimism in this country right now is palpable and we cannot discuss here openly. Back to the hostages.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22975

    If Trump wasnt such an arrogant asswad more than half would be giddy. Im in your half but he could learn to tone it down.

    Couple serious questions.. when Trump speaks, does he leave any confusion in your mind as to his stance or position on a subject or do you pretty much know his take.

    When Biden responded to a question (yeah right) did you have any clue what he just said or what his position was ?

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1944

    One thing that’s really nice, regardless of party, is to have a president in office who doesn’t have dementia, parkinson’s, or something of that ilk.

    Posts: 4485

    No im not confused. Im just saying if he would just do his job and not get in rants and pissing matches about everything on twitter and others like a 14 year old girl he would be alot better off. Dont for 1 second think im a Biden guy. Just think if he would have just stuck to being president the first time around and acted like a grown up we wouldnt have had to deal with Biden the last 4 years.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4121

    Let’s hope after 4 years we have more successes to talk about other than “at least he’s not Biden.”

    Posts: 1287

    hopefully he take the common sense approach to the running of the country, that’s something that’s been missing the was 4 years, never understood why we had to watching what we say, walk on egg shells so you didn’t offend the part of the country that make up less than 1% of the population.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22975

    He is who he is.. I don’t want a fake backstabber. Is he gruff and an azzhole, yes, but at least he cares deeply about this country. 14 year old girl… more like a 25 year old Navy Seal… he doesn’t care about peoples “feelings”. You realize last time and this time again… the swamp will fight him tooth and nail… anything he gets done will be a battle… he did weed out the couple rinos that sabotaged him last go round, so hopefully easier this term. I get what your saying and yeah, if he had a different personality, maybe he quits fighting and doesn’t run again.. I don’t know that I would raise my hand for that shi7 again !!!

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