WI Commercial Fishing Harvest (reported)

  • river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    “We can electroshock 50 pound flatheads…at least one per week. Because you can’t catch them, well, that’s not our problem.”
    What gets me is How do you think that fish got to 50 pounds. Because it was not caught and killed when it was a 20 pounder. CPR Folks A 50 in the frying pan That does not even sound good

    –Once they are over 271/2lbs. they taste like chicken

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    Go get ’em Brian!!! I’d rather see someone be proactive than reactive.

    -Because of the NUKE plant here most of us RADIOACTIVE -100yrs from now the river will be full of catfish nets or no nets

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    Do you think this effects growth rates in any way? Positive or negative?

    –POSITIVE it gives the lettle ones more room to grow

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010



    Do you think this effects growth rates in any way? Positive or negative?

    –POSITIVE it gives the lettle ones more room to grow

    So with that thinking we should be taking more big walleyes out of the water…to let more little ones get big?

    I kid.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ya I know but Im not going to beat this topic to death again, next thing that will be said is Minnesota and Wisconsin has more catfish then we do, I’m also outa here.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I wouldn’t say that Mossy…in fact they could liberalize netting of cats down there…wait…they don’t have any limits either!

    Never mind.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    When the going gets tough or people offer a counter view for discussion, the tough get….

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    This is the sort of conversation where people get the concepts of right/wrong vs legal/illegal vs moral/immoral vs ethical/unethical all scrambled up. It may be perfectly legal (and therefore technically not “wrong”) to take as many fish as the limit allows. But, depending on your view, it may be less than ethical or moral to exploit a species based on what is arguably and overly permissive law.

    Hopefully we can get the laws fixed so we don’t even have to have this conversation.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    We have limits on catfish Brian that are pole caught, I think its like 10 a day with the posession limit twice that. I don’t think theres any limit on commercial fishing, what they can sell is what they can catch if they don’t have holding ponds. Down here the big fish win when they have the biggest mouths, like everywhere and are the big guys on the block. I know if they opened up this part of the river for commercial fishing catfish a few years we’ed see a definate rise in species other then catfish. You guys have a whole lot more smallies and walleyes, thats why people from here go there to fish other species then catfish, we have enough of that species down here. When it comes to the dam statement thats true. I know a guy whos brother is a comercial diver and occasionaly dives for powerplants. When they inspect them they have to dive in the intake and discharge area to see if theres any trees etc. blocking the flow, its part of insurance regulations when they shut down a plant to do so. They do this to make sure the plant cools right. He said down this way his brother said the holes around the power plant discharges are full of big catfish, some so big that he has to keep an eye open when he dives. How big of a catfish do you think it takes to break 80 pound test on a shear pull, no rocks involved or any snags to break the line, a couple guys lost one here like that this last spring below the dam when the water was high during prespawn. Ya theres some big walleyes here too, I’ve seen them, that swim next to catfish but I’m sure the bigger catfish get some of those too. Anyway I’m off to the next subject,,,

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    I know a guy whos brother is a comercial diver and occasionaly dives for powerplants. When they inspect them they have to dive in the intake and discharge area to see if theres any trees etc. blocking the flow, its part of insurance regulations when they shut down a plant to do so. They do this to make sure the plant cools right. He said down this way his brother said the holes around the power plant discharges are full of big catfish, some so big that he has to keep an eye open when he dives. How big of a catfish do you think it takes to break 80 pound test on a shear pull, no rocks involved or any snags to break the line, a couple guys lost one here like that this last spring below the dam when the water was high during prespawn.

    Let me guess they are as big as Volkswagons?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Good old Snopes.

    The Legend

    I had no idea they had PhotoShop back in the early 1900s.

    Posts: 1282

    It’s real!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    People must have glowed back then or they didn’t know how to tone down the highlights on that guy.

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