cut bait question

  • floydthegreat
    Posts: 61

    im new to cat fishing and was fishing with cut bait for the first time in the mississippi river in Mpls and got some small bites and one that almost bent my rod in half . didnt get a sigle hookset. anybody know what size hook to use and how long to let the fish take it? thanks.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    I use 3/0 or 4/0 circles for cut bait and I just let them bend the pole over and hook themselves. It was probably small channels, sometimes they tug hard and drop it. Or sheepies.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1444

    I generally do just fine with 1 or 1/0 hooks for small 1″ cubed cut bait. I poke the hook double through the skin so I get a good amount of hook point and barb sticking out. The kitties will have to take up the hook point before getting to the bait. Sometimes they will be sniffing the bait for a while before they attempt to take it, so often I just hook set immediately and stick it to them. I don’t know how many times I get light nibbles less than what a bullhead would give and I’m pulling out a decent 4-5# kitty.

    Nicolet County
    Posts: 222

    I tend to vary my hook size and style according to the bait I have available. Everything from 4 fathead minnows on a #1 octopus to a half pound cut sucker on a #6 or 8 Gamkatsu circle. If they are stealing my bait sometimes I like to run a smaller hook just to teach them little cats some manners.
    Lately I’ve been catching 3-8 lb channels that were biting like walleyes- just a tap-tap. Had to keep the rod in hand just to catch them in the act.

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