I’d like to add that in Wisconsin cast nets are only legal on the Mississippi and then only for suckers. They cannot be used anywhere else.
I missed your post earlier Jerry!
No kidding? Could you point me in the right direction for that law? Not that I don’t believe you, just want to see how it’s written.
I guess I didn’t see anyone with a cast net on the St Croix from WI.
Here’s how the regulation reads in the spearing, netting and bait harvesting regulations for 2010/2011 for Wisconsin.
“It is illegal to use or possess any fish trap or trammel, cast, gill, or hoop net, or any other kind of
fishing net that might take, catch or kill fish except areas where it is specifically authorized.”
And here’s the specifically authorized area where cast nets can be used: “Wisconsin/Iowa boundary waters: Spearing Season: Continuous open season. Cast nets
no larger than 7 feet in diameter or mesh of more than 1/2” stretch measure may be
used to take suckers only.”