a spotlight is a must, minimum of 1.5 million candlepower. i prefer corded spotlights, and i keep a converter wire so that if my 12v outlet goes bad, i can plug directly onto my trolling battery. some people keep more then one spot in the boat, i just have a high powered flashlight with also, that if i were to need in a pinch.
things are much different at night, you need to be knowledgeable and comfortable on the body of water you are on. as in – you should know it well enough to run without a light if need be. until you are at that level, take things slow at night, so nothing “jumps out in front of you”.
i feel a GPS is a must. not that you can’t get by without it, but it makes things much, much easier. you can plan a route, or at least follow your previous trails that kept you out of harms way. plus, if you get caught in a heavy fog, it will be worth its weight in gold.
have a cell phone, and marine radio with. my personal cell is a verizon gzone phone, so if i do go overboard, it will work for me, as it is waterproof.
have plenty of bug spray, and i would also suggest investing in a thermocell – AWESOME INVENTION!!
and make sure you have plenty of gas, and charged batteries before heading out.
now go out and have some fun. the river is a great place at night, and literally zero competition.