Any help for a non-seasoned catfisherman?
I’m usually a walleye guy, but I heard that one post a year in the cat forum is allowed…
I’d like to head out on a local lake (Wissota/Chippewa River – has flatheads and channel cats) with my kids and wife sometime and try to catch a few cats. (Hopefully, enough to keep the kids interested for a little while, anyway) I’ve caught them while fishing for walleye before, so I know some of those same tactics/baits could be used for cats.
Question – for a guy who pretty much never fishes cats but is well equipted for other fish, how do I go about actually TRYING to catch one? (That hurt a little when I typed it…
I have baitcasters, trolling rods, musky setups, walleye gear, etc that I can certainly use. I’m not looking to go out and spend much (any) money trying to get setup. What type of rod/reel/line should I rig up? What terminal tackle should I use? I assume some sort of basic sinker / hook setup? Stink bait, crawlers, minnows, doughballs…?? Keeping it simple, baits might be limited to what Scheel’s carries – bullheads aren’t an option.
Where to start, location-wise? Go upriver into shallower, rocky sections, drop anchor, and throw the rig and wait?
Any “beginner tips” you could offer would be great.