• wilson1984
    Posts: 302

    Well I finally finished my bullhead tank for catfishing. I gathered all the ideas from different catfishermen online here and combined them to make this tank. I got a 100-gallon water trough and then got a 1/4 inch piece of plexiglass to go over the top. That way the top is covered to keep things out and that way I’m able to lock it to keep other people out of it (like Sauger and Burbob). I cut the piece of plexiglass in half and put a hinge there. Under the hinge I put a piece of aluminum length-wise to give it support. Next I cut out a section in the back to make room for the filter and the air pump. With the filter in place, I should be able to keep the water cleaner and try to keep it from stinking too badly. Last, I ordered some catfish stickers with the help of Burbob to add a little zest to the presentation.

    I put a chain on the inside so when you open the lid past 90 degrees it will stay open on its own and when you lay the lid down there’s a retractable string to keep the chain from going down into the water.

    On the bottom of the tank I put a ball valve so I can just hook up a garden hose, open the valve and let the water drain until it gets about halfway down and then fill it back up so I don’t need to put a pump in there or anything.

    Overall I’m very happy with how it turned out and can’t wait to fill ‘er up. Thanks for all the help.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Very nice! The plexiglass cover should keep the chubs from jumping out too.

    The cat decal adds the class!

    Is it in your basement or garage?

    Another month and you have to put a couple dozen fatheads in there.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    That is way cool, thanks for sharing

    How many bullies will a tank this size keep? I think I have finally found a place around Sparta to catch my bullheads. Catching gills to use is allot of fun but it takes time. I believe if there were bullheads sitting in the shop ready to go my butt would get to the water for night fishing more often

    Posts: 1282

    Wow – that thing is amazing – I’m also going to be building a bullhead tank here in the next couple weeks. Mind if I bounce some ideas off you when I start the project?

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5854

    Looks great! But shouldnt you be changing diapers?

    Posts: 302

    Brian- Right now I have it in the corner of my garage. The garage is insulated so the temp stays pretty cool in the summer and in the fall it stays warm enough to not freeze.

    Bret- It’s a 100 gallon tank so anywhere from 50-100 bullheads. Thats what we have done in the past.

    Posts: 302


    Looks great! But shouldnt you be changing diapers?

    Finished the tank a month or so ago, just got the stickers today to complete it! Now back to cleaning poop

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    how did you secure the plexiglass to the tank? and may i ask what the total cost involved was?

    i need to get a tank. i finally found a lake last year, close to home, that is always one after another, but i’m sick of using all of my coolers to keep a few dozen bullheads at home.

    Posts: 302

    I put a piece of angle aluminum across the tank length-wise. I bolted that to the tank and then bolted the plexiglass to the crossbeam. The prices that I spent on everthing are:

    Tank $70 Tractor Supply
    Plexiglass Free (had some extra at home)
    Filter $70 off ebay
    Air Pump and lines $20 or so
    Here’s a link to Steve DeMars’ bullhead tank set up. I used the same filter that he uses and used a lot of his ideas as well. Link

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2442

    Now all you have to do is complete the final piece to the puzzle! Looks good though

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    BK will be using them for bait after it ferments

    Jerry Hochhausen
    Madison, Wisconsin
    Posts: 275

    Wilson, What a nice bait tank. Thanks for posting the pictures. I hope to do one in my garage sometime.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    BK will be using them for bait after it ferments

    Using it…we’ll be drinking it!

    Center of Iowa
    Posts: 727

    It’s good to plan ahead. If you put “fishless cycling” in google you can get some bacteria growing in your filter ahead of time. I don’t know how plexi holds up, I have a feeling the corners will curl up over time.

    Being you have that kind of tank, I’d go to the farm store and get a float so you can drain water and walk away while it’s filling.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    Being you have that kind of tank, I’d go to the farm store and get a float so you can drain water and walk away while it’s filling.

    Good idea! I’ve overflowed mine before (and mine in inside!).

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2790

    I’m surprised someone on here hasn’t started selling these all set up yet.
    I know not everyone has the time to build one.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362


    Everything is For Sale!!

    How true

    That is what makes it even more special for you sharing it with those that might want to make one, Thanks again Now to check the WI regs for catching and keeping bait fish

    I also love the float idea….sometimes I forget things while they are in the process and the brews are cold

    Posts: 1455

    That thing looks like it should hold beer, not water!

    Posts: 364


    to keep other people out of it (like Sauger and Burbob).

    If plexiglass doors kept me out Super America would have alot more doughnuts
    Cool tank, stickers look familiar

    Posts: 467

    Very nice! Looks ready to go…


    Cassville Wi missippi pool 11
    Posts: 64

    That is a nice bait tank set up. Thanks for the post.
    I built a similar one last summer and it worked great. I used the info from Steve De Mars post last year. My filter is a 110 Aqua Clear and air pump is a whisper100 which runs two 10 inch air stones. I have a 60 gal tank but I am going to purchase a 100 or 150 gal tank for this season.
    The plexiglass lid is a good idea I had a problem with suckers jumping out of the tank and that should take care of that.

    Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    Hey Dave, where did you find the suckers and bullheads. I have a hard time finding either up here, especially bullheads. Most locals tell me they just don’t catch them anymore. I used mainly bluegill last year. Kept a few in my 70 gal. tank for a couple weeks towards the end of the season. Eventually I let them go.

    Cassville Wi missippi pool 11
    Posts: 64

    I got suckers and chubs out of Rattlesnake creek, caught them with a small hook and a piece of worm for bait. They did keep good in the tank.
    I didn’t have any bullheads last summer but I have a line on a farm pond over by Bloomington that has bullheads. I used to get them out of Kolwalskis sand pit but they froze out.
    Bluegill work good, but it was a lot of work to go out and catch some each time we wanted to go flathead fishing.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Nice job Willy! Let me know when mine is done!

    Posts: 302

    I would be more then happy to make you one. It was alot of fun!!

    Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    Dave, I remember pulling bullheads out of Rattkesnake between Klein’s and Ihm’s when I was a kid…as many as we could pull out. Use to be able to catch them right there where Rattlesnake dumps into Grant, too. Ah, the good old days. I’ll have to keep asking around up here and try to find some.

    The bluegill thing works for me, though. Just get out on the water just before sundown and catch 6-10 and that is enough for the evening.

    Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    I don’t see any pics with bait “actually” in the tank yet…what up?

    Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    I seem to still be waiting for pics of the bulls in the tank! What the h-e-double hockey stick???

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