They were about as think as skeeters in the woods before and evening rain!
This video was shot last Saturday on Pool 4 of the Mississippi River.
Let me know how many you count!
The flathead video will be coming soon!
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Fishing by Species » Catfish & Sturgeon » 1000 channel cats…or so.
They were about as think as skeeters in the woods before and evening rain!
This video was shot last Saturday on Pool 4 of the Mississippi River.
Let me know how many you count!
The flathead video will be coming soon!
Anyone up to guessing the weight on some of the flats?
Dark, at the Round Table, the DNR had some underwater video of flats on the MN River. They were being held in a vertical position by the snag they were in. I’ve seen them upside down but never vertical.
Some one get BK a soundtrack stat! I ain’t feeling this new age stuff.
BK, care to share what depth and structure these cats be holding at?
I always enjoy watching you’re river videos BK. Good Stuff!
As for the sound track, I thought that was great as well.
When I saw the title of 1000 Channel Cats, I figured it was a collage of my ice fishing this year. It’s pretty amazing how agressive these fish are in the winter.
Roughly 24 to 27 feet Pug.
Most of the channels like in years past, were just down stream of the flats. There were some channels swimming around the flatheads.
Just more evidence that when the flats go dormant, they don’t eat. The channels on the other hand….
I’ll estimate that the channels were all in the bottom 10 feet of water, 15 at the most.
As for the music, I have to select from the YouTube play list. I’ll be working on the Flathead video tonight, so if you have some better music… [email protected]
15,276 channels…….
Oh yea..ummm I watched it 14 TIMES and kept COUNTING!
nice video Brian
Ok, Mr CatGod, I have a question. I think I know the answer but not positive. Why is it that the Flats are all sprawled out on the bottom and the Channels swim around?
Mr CatGod
No one here by that name that I know of.
So someone help Mary out.
Cool Vid…
All those flats remind me of a bunch of pigs or dog pups trying to burrow down on MOMA…
I didn’t try to count, I just had to go get a towel to try to control the slobber.
Those flatheads are rest for the winter because Brian and his clients tuckered them out fighting them every night.
Slightly off topic for 1 post. Brian, you edit all your videos on YouTube? Just wondering if that is how you put the Brian K Adventures and Everet’s overlays on there. I plan on doing a little video work this summer since my phone has a nice HD camcorder built into it.
Here’s the phone…
Yeah, it about pulls my pants down when I put it in my pocket.
OK, Pug’s cabin fever hijack over.
Holy cats!
Why is it that the Flats are all sprawled out on the bottom and the Channels swim around?
The flats were probably just taking a cat nap while the channels were out on the prowl! Very nice capture BK!
Thanks for sharing.
Would like to see the background music a bit more upbeat though.Like Cat Scratch Fever.
I counted all of them, let me watch again and recount……yep they are all there
What time!? We played musical boats.
In the morning Jessy and I were in a camo john boat blending in with the background. Stealth mode.
In the afternoon we were in Dwight from Scheels G3 that a person couldn’t miss. It had a big red G3 on the side along with St Croix Rods and FLW markings.
It was a beautiful day even if I didn’t wet a line.
Pardon me, but where is the video that you posted some time back showing eyes and saugers belly to bottom?
If it’s in a top-secret, heavily guarded vault, I understand.
There’s a couple on YouTube, but I’m thinking you’re looking for this one?
Trying to get me kicked out of the cat forum aren’t you.
We saw it. We knew they were filming just didnt see you in it. Too busy catching fish with scales
Ummm fishing with me is more like “shooting yourself in the foot”!
As many walleye guys with attest, just because the fish are there does not mean they are biting.
On the other hand, if a person knows there are no fish there, why waste the time?
I’m not an expert by any means, but I do think I have an edge over the next guy because of using a camera a lot. After a looking at a number of locations, a person gets a feel for what holds fish. Then it’s just a matter of finding the same conditions again.
That maybe a slightly over simplified statement, because of seasonal movements, but the bottom line is once a persons looked around under water and found the fish they desire and not just fish marks, you’ve eliminated 90% of the water and can focus on the 10% that holds your next trophy!
I guess I am amazed those channels are holding in that much current!!!!!!
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