Closed the season strong…

  • patrickwilker
    circle pines, mn
    Posts: 15

    Went out near Bayport on Friday night. We started fishing at 9:30 in about 30 feet of water. I was rigged up with a combo of shad and crawlers on a #5 circle hook. About 20 minutes in we started to get into em’ and caught a few around 36”. The bite slowed down for a while and then I set into this 54” monster. He gave one hell of a fight…we had to pull the anchor and eventually wrestled him into the boat. I took a quick picture and then made sure to get him back into the water to swim another day. 10 minutes after I pulled him in, my buddy Curt caught a fat 48” as well. All together we pulled in 9 Sturgeon from 33″ to 54″.

    Posts: 302

    Great pic Bet it was a cold one out there!

    Posts: 3682

    Thats a dandy,way to end the season!

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2596


    54” monster

    plus 8 other dinosaurs, you really “Closed the season strong… ”

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    He gave one hell of a fight…we had to pull the anchor

    Ahhh, the last dance!

    Posts: 1501

    We were out there Fri as well. Was pretty slow, but did manage about 7 or 8 and one that was 57.

    Don’t know about anyone else, but we still have a good part of a week left yet

    I’m going to be a bit sad to see the season end though, I’ve had a lot of fun heading over there this year.

    I guess we’ll have to hit Pool 4 after Wed.

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2442

    Posts: 1501

    Last day to go Sturgeon fishing

    Posts: 135

    No, tomorrow is!
    Through the 15th!

    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921

    Way to go Patrick. I think Sturgeon are the strongest freshwater fish that swims. Have you ever heard of anyone having to pull the anchor and chase a Muskie? We once landed a 48″ muskie. Took about 7-8 minutes. It takes a 48″ sturgeon that long to realize they have been hooked. Great report.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    Reminds me of this one time I went out with some dude claiming to be a “fishing guide” for “Catfish and Sturgeon Adventures” on the Mississippi and St. Croix. He’s kind of an odd one, I guess you could say.

    I hooked into what turned out to be a 36″ 10# lake sturgeon, but the “captain” of the boat just stood there saying “That’s not a fish, you got no fish. You’re hooked on someone’s old anchor. You don’t have a fish. Here, let me cut the line for you!” It’s a good thing he never quite made it that far because meanwhile I’m hollering “don’t touch my line, I can feel it pull, dammit, it’s a @&^%**!%$ fish!”

    Finally I got the durn thing up off the bottom and it took off under the boat, at which point “the guy claiming to be a fishing guide”, said “Oh, yeah, it IS a fish. Well I’ll be damned!”

    Seeing as how mine was only a 36″ fish, I can’t imagine how hard yours fought and how much fun it was. After mine I was shaking and, well, it’s like the fish version of buck fever!



    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Craziest fish I’ve ever seen.

    BTW…I have pictures of your bell…in MY BOAT!

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    It’s all lies, I tell you, dirty rotten lies!!!

    OK, I admit it, I am a reformed bell user. But no more, no more. I promise. -)

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Now if we could just keep those gloves off you.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    Now if we could just keep those gloves off you.

    Dude, it was COLD!!!

    I reserve the right to wear ski gloves at 1:30AM after having fished for 7 hours when it’s only 33ºF out. I was a mechanic in a past life and froze my fingers once too often. These days, once my fingers get cold I’m done in.

    Given the cold-weather options of wearing gloves or not going at all, I think you’ll agree that gloves are the obvious choice.

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