MN Resident and Non Res fisherman only please.

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m still working on the little bullhead length project. I have an opportunity to bend an ear of a fella that could helps us along, not only for the bullhead lengths but for a few other changes.

    I need to get a rough idea of what support/interest is out there for:

    A closed wintering flathead season. (Months to be determined later)

    Support for longer bullheads used for bait (no size limit at all)

    Legalizing cast nets for catching bait fish.

    Support for legalizing 2 lines on MN’s inland waters all year.

    Please, this poll is for MN resident and non resident anglers only. Anyone can post their thoughts in the thread.

    Also this poll is a rough poll. I know there will be some that support xxx if xxx. I’m asking a general question without nailing down the if you would generally favor one of the statements, please mark the poll accordingly.


    Center of Iowa
    Posts: 727

    ha, I think you know what answers you will get. You could bargain down to using two poles on rivers and streams instead of everywhere. It might be easier to get through that way. Good luck. I wish someone had such ambition for Iowa.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You are right Josh, I hope I do know. But I want fresh info when I sit down.

    I think I should have added the word “for catching BAIT” to the cast net question.

    There was a time I was wondering who would champion these types of changes… then one day I met the person…I met him in my bathroom mirror. Scared the ‘ell out of me!

    Posts: 3681

    You go guy!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    You go guy!

    Did you have some where special in mind?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I was wondering why the cast net poll was hovering around 75%, but I don’t know who would think you meant for catching anything but bait.

    Posts: 3681



    You go guy!

    Did you have some where special in mind?

    I know if any onne can bend an ear its you Brian! So I meant go get it done.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I know if any onne can bend an ear its you Brian! So I meant go get it done.

    There is a joke in there, but I am going to let it slide.

    Posts: 3681

    There is a joke in there, but I am going to let it slide.

    Please don’t

    Posts: 1501

    Well good luck with all that. I’ve found that it doesn’t matter how many “ears you bend”. If the legislature doesn’t want it, it won’t pass.

    Call me negative Nancy, but I never realized how much red tape crap is involved with this stuff. I will always vote Yes, Yes, Yes and for anyone that wants to fight “the good fight” I say good for you go for it, but I’ve officially learned that getting your hopes up will most likely always lead to being disappointed when it come to these things.

    A smart man once told me, “It’s like p’ing into the wind”

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    If the legislature doesn’t want it, it won’t pass.

    Hit the nail right on the head…again Darrin!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You know when your out fishing and it’s been a dead night? Should have gone home to the warm and comfy dog house hours ago?

    You stay out later than you normally do because everything say YES, the big fish should be biting right here…you’re in the perfect spot?

    Then WHAM! The big one gets hooked up and everything is all good in the world??

    Some call it being persistent others call it beating your head against the wall.

    What can I say…I’m a believer.

    Posts: 1501

    Good point.

    Ok, I’ll take my skunking’s in the boat and you can take yours at the Capital.

    Seriously Brian…good luck. I would love to see even one of these pass

    Posts: 221

    The results of your 2 line question surprised me a LOT. I think if this was posted in the general forum you would see much less support for multiple lines, if the threads that I’ve read are any indication. You get a lot of bass and walleye fishermen (not pug, but others ) saying things about the second line being too much to tend to and whatnot.

    Posts: 721

    I think to give our legislators examples and studies of other states (even nearby ones) that have many of these rules already being allowed there and showing that it has not damaged resources can go a long way. I heard the excuse being used to throw out the 2 rod rule saying more fish will be caught. Well thats why we have limits idiota! Dont see why we cant get these passed if we all support it and talk to our legislators we could see action taken. the way I see it this can only help to improve the economy.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Bass guys and musky guys won’t want it, because most of them chuck lures all day. They are afraid of being out fished by come guy casting out 2 lines of live bait. I always said, you can measure a man by how far he holds a fish out in a picture. Ok, I just started saying, but you get it.

    I don’t think the 2 line question is getting skewed too much. For a while the link was a “Today’s Topics”.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    In regard to the two line comments. A buddy and I thought it would be more practical to tie the use of two lines to the new conservation license. If you have already agreed to limit your catch, why not allow two lines?

    Center of Iowa
    Posts: 727

    I think the line thing is funny because I’ve read posts about “how lethal” it would be and it just cracks me up because they’re talkin about it like it’s dynamite and it is not. Think of all the revenue they would generate from people buying new rigs. One state even has a third pole special permit you can buy.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    In regard to the two line comments. A buddy and I thought it would be more practical to tie the use of two lines to the new conservation license. If you have already agreed to limit your catch, why not allow two lines?

    Absolutely tie it to buying an extra stamp or license. They could even require circle hooks. But you know all those thing they will say make is soooo hard to enforce. I like the DNR and all, but pull up your panties you bunch of whining Sallies! Can you enforce a trout stamp, special lake regs, milfoil?

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    It may be a tough road but not trying will always give one the same results.

    Yes, one needs to contact the righ person, get it to be read and hop like he$$ that it gets a chance for a hearing.

    Go get um BK.

    Posts: 1501

    The 2 line bill has a decent shot this year. It’s come very close to passing the past 2 years, only to be removed from the omnibus bill at the last minute.

    I’ve been in contact with the Rep who authored the bill the past few years and basically what I’ve been told by him is that there are only a few select people that need to be persuaded in the Senate, but it sounds like that will be hard to do.

    Last year I sent him a petition with nearly 300 signatures overwhelming supporting the increase to 2 lines.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I can rough up Satveer S. Chaudhary. I went to HS with him and his brother was in my grade.

    Posts: 721

    Go get em PUG!!

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