Nice fish Josh, did you get a weight on him. We went bobber fishing where we set our dittypoles. We use the smaller bluegills to fish with under our bobbers and still lost a few because the smaller channels were taking them, running with with them and after about 30 seconds when we set the hook we still missed them. We did this just incase the catfish was just big enough to crush it and get it into his mouth when we set the hook. We got all our nicer fish on bigger bluegills. Im a firm believer in the bigger the bluegill the bigger the fish because the smaller channels can’t get it into thier mouths, they try but can’t pull it off the hook, the bigger ones just hit it and go.
When pole fishing with bluegills I let them run a little so they can get it into thier mouth and position it so when they try to swollow it the hooks more apt to set in thier mouth. I think most of time when thier marginal sized they take the bluegill in thier mouth and they crush it and turn it so they can swollow it head first, this is why I let them run some so they can do this so the hooks more apt to be in a position for a hookset. Both George and I are using 2 and 3 OT. hooks for our dittypoles and were getting alot of hookups. The bare hooks with nothing on them is probably smaller fish stealing the bait, they want the bluegill but they have to work at crushing it to get it small enough to get it into thier mouths to swollow it. The bigger ones just hit it and go. Both of us and other guys we know say you can catch a big fish on a big bait but its hard to get the smaller ones on a big bait. I know if we had a choice we’d use 1 1/2″ to 2″ bluegills all the time on our dittypoles but when your setting alot of poles its hard to find that size and not spend hours sorting them to get that size, so we just use them all.
Ever try putting a bluegill under a bobber and let them swim along side the driftwood and snags that are back in the timber right now? The catfish are back under those drifts during the day to keep out of the sun and by letting a bluegills swim close to them the catfish come out and hit them, its working for us. Night times a diffrent story, they hunt everywhere especially around drifts and snags and no current calm areas. The catfish are hitting big time right now around here. If a guy sprays down with repellant and can stand the bugs fishing the snags with bobbers is a good way right now. One night soon were going to fish all night that way just to see how many we get, pole fishing and watching the bobbers fun too. When the bobber goes down it may come up once or twice then it usually stays down, then we set the hook.
We’ve been opening the stomachs to see what they have been eating and found a smallmouth in one and eigther a bullhead or small channel in another. The rest were small flats and it was hard to tell what kind of fish was in those.
I know around here the channels and flatheads are in the same area, same water and were getting both on our dittypoles. I don’t know forsure if there is any water where theres mostly flatheads and not any channels around, maybe there is but I think they both hunt the same areas to eat. A good deep hole I think is more apt to hold bigger fish because the smaller ones are feeding in shallower water to eat things the size that depth of water has to offer. Good fishing everyone!