Now that the flats are bitting, its time once again for another contest. If the past weekend wasn’t enough of a reason to be out on a river.
Contest to be held this saturday May 30th, from 7:00 pm to 6:00 am Sunday morning.
Boundries will be:
Mississippi will be from the Lower St Anothony lock down streeam to include all of pool two (Ford damn down to the Hastings damn).
Minneasota river from The trussel bridge in Carver down stream to the confluence.
The St. Croix river from Oceaola (sp) down to Stillwater,
A control item will be given out the night of the contest via the voicemail at the shop so bring a piece of paper and a maker with you.
Entry cost is $10.00 per person, and must be done prior to close of business at the shop on the day of the contest.
The fees will cover the top two places for flatheads and channels.
Pictures with the control item must be submitted by 10:00am Sunday morning to this post. All pictures must not be altered in any way. Have a good time and be careful out there……..