MN DNR Catfish Tagging and Angler Diary Project

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Joel Stiras, a Fisheries Specialist at the MN DNR’s East Metro Fisheries is working on a catfish project and has asked for the help of our members.

    He’s currently preparing to post an online survey for metro catfish anglers, ultimately leading to anglers participating in a volunteer catfish angler diary program. He will be tagging fish as part of this project and is hoping to further the DNR’s knowledge of catfish and the anglers who utilize the resource.

    The image is an example of the Excel spreadsheet.

    His plan is to have three tabs in the Excel spreadsheet. One as the example and instruction page, one as a printable page with larger print and larger spaces for taking out fishing, and another page if people are willing to transfer their data from the field sheet to a duplicate sheet to keep a running tally of fishing trips and catches through the year. This would be ideal as it would keep costs down all the way around and make it a snap to compile all of the results.

    I’ll have more information as we move along, but the season is here now and they would like to get this moving along as fast as possible.

    One of the goals that we talked about would be to look at how the DNR is managing the catfish in our states waters.

    This is for Flats and Channels along with Lake and Shovelnose Sturgeon.

    A point of concern is locations. Many anglers wouldn’t want the locations they are fishing to be made public knowledge. Joel did some research and found by law, the DNR does not have to release location information and for at least this survey according to Joel, the locations will not be public knowledge.

    I know there’s going to be many questions about this. Please post them in this thread and they will be answer in short order.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Tough to read the sheet.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m working on a larger version to post.

    Posts: 467

    This is a GREAT thing

    We’re doing something similar in N. IL with our DNR where very little past work was done on one of the more highly pressured rivers in the Chicago metro area. This led to the DNR starting a formal reward tagging study at various locations to get a handle on what’s happening. By providing them with last year’s catch data, they got the message that catfish anglers were genuinely concerned about the welfare of the fishery, and also got an idea of the size distribution of our flathead population.

    Our underfunded DNR has done some studies of catfish populations, but more in central and northwest IL. DNR’s awareness of the value of these fisheries is an important step in planning for the future.


    ps Maybe you can get their ear to lobby for the use of live sunfish for bait too!

    Stacy, MN
    Posts: 94


    Do you know if this will include the upper St.Croix, or is it all MN waters.

    I would love to participate in this program.
    Are civilians (fishermen) going to be able to tag and record fish?
    I think a civilian tagging program would be a great idea.
    It would be easy to train a bunch of dedicated volunteers to do tagging of the fish they catch and release, record it and e-mail the info to the DNR.
    It would take some of the burden off the DNR and we all would have a better understanding of the quantity and quality of the fish in our waters.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I doubt the public would be allowed to tag fish. However, I am wondering if there are any volunteer opportunities with this project. I am sure that the DNR could get a lot more done if we volunteered time to go out and help them.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2790

    Good point Pug. Eitherway I’m going to try this out.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I don’t know why not private tagging?? You see it all the time with Marlin fisherman. You guys who are real cat fisherman are going to be willing to learn the proper technique and placement. It’s not for Joe Smoes like me, but I could see many of the locals to this forum being very integral to this study!!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I don’t know why not private tagging?? You see it all the time with Marlin fisherman. You guys who are real cat fisherman are going to be willing to learn the proper technique and placement. It’s not for Joe Smoes like me, but I could see many of the locals to this forum being very integral to this study!!

    I’d be all for it, I am just assuming by how BK wrote it and how they operate. If they ever need a tagging study on sheephead, I am all in! Not sure how many flatheads I could tag though.

    Posts: 2998

    i think it sounds great whats a guy gotta do to get in on it

    Posts: 721

    Im in! Keep us up to date.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Do you know if this will include the upper St.Croix, or is it all MN waters.

    I would love to participate in this program.
    Are civilians (fishermen) going to be able to tag and record fish?
    I think a civilian tagging program would be a great idea.
    It would be easy to train a bunch of dedicated volunteers to do tagging of the fish they catch and release, record it and e-mail the info to the DNR.

    From my understanding is all MN waters including border waters.

    At this time the DNR plans to do all the tagging. I’m sure if we have enough response here, they well look at it in the future.

    To enroll, just check back to this post from time to time. There will be instructions posted fairly soon on how to proceed.

    I would like to hear why folks would not be interested in participating. PM me if you like.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    From Joel:

    We are committed to at least a 4 year project.

    The major goals of the Tagging and Diary Project.

    1. The St Croix River has more liberal catfish regulations and we don’t know if that is a problem. We have received some complaints over the last five years that there aren’t big catfish in the St Croix anymore (although we have seen some pictures of some hefty fish). Only standard sampling efforts have been conducted on the St Croix (with the addition of trot lines to sample catfish) but not enough fish have been caught and not enough information has been collected to know if there is a problem. That’s how all of this started.

    2. To acquire better information about catfish angling effort and harvest. Our standard creel surveys will miss many catfish anglers, and catfish anglers are something we know very little about in the metro. I started working on this project last year and figured with tough times forecasted, we likely would not have the money to run a creel survey on the area’s rivers. I think the most recent one we had was on the St Croix in 1998. And we likely will never have a creel survey that targets catfish anglers because of the difficult schedule that would be required and the safety concerns and difficulty seeing bank anglers when running a river at night (let alone in metro).

    3. We don’t have a clue as to how many catfish are actually out there. By doing a mark-recapture tagging project, we can estimate the size of the population like we are doing with lake sturgeon. However, we obviously are going to have a lot more catfish than sturgeon out there and my hope is to tag as many of these catfish as possible. The more fish I tag, the less error in the estimate.

    4. We don’t know how far these fish move. Tagging studies have been done and are being done around MN that show how far and how little some catfish move. We have not done it here and we need to know if fish are moving between rivers, staying in short stretches, or moving long distances. We also would like to get a hold on where these fish overwinter. This is particularly important because when these fish stack up in winter, they could be susceptible to over harvest or illegal snagging. If every catfish for 10 river miles ends up in one hole, that’s a big deal. This is where the angler tag returns becomes invaluable information. I’m going to be sampling by electrofishing, netting, trot lining, and whatever else I can think of that will get me numbers of fish. Using angler tag location data will greatly improve the movement data, especially if a lot of anglers are helping out with it. That many more hooks in the water, spread out over that much more water. A catfish tagged in Pool 2 might make a crazy run to the St Croix and cover 50 miles in two weeks, and I might never know it unless an angler happens to catch that fish and report where it was caught. Ideally this movement information would be conducted with radio tags, but I was planning for tough times and this is a cheap way to collect a lot of information.

    5. Sub samples of these catfish will have tissue removed for genetics testing. We need to know if we have distinct populations of catfish that are not interbreeding or if stocking that has been done over the years has mucked things up. Channel catfish above St Croix Falls Dam have not mixed with the cats below, but it is possible enough genetic drift occurs from fish going over the dam and breeding with the lower population. St Anthony Falls was originally a barrier to catfish travel both naturally and when it was dammed in the late 1800’s. It was not passable with a functioning lock and dam until 1956, then fish could pass. Coon Rapids Dam was originally built in 1913. Catfish did not originally inhabit the Mississippi River above these points and many stockings took place in the 70’s and 80’s. Most of those catfish came from a federal hatchery in Ohio. There is even more background information on this that most people don’t want to know and it’s long enough already.

    6. We haven’t done any catfish aging in the metro rivers. I did a flathead survey last year on Pool 2 and took pectoral spines from 117 flatheads (also took channel cat spines in other surveys). Not all of the fish have been aged yet, but what I’ve seen so far is that flathead catfish length at age is highly variable (6 year old fish range from 16-26 inches long) and the oldest I have seen has been 25 (and that was only a 36 pounder, I haven’t aged the 50 pounder yet). And that 25 is likely under aged as I was using a spine and not an otolith. Sub samples of the fish tagged will also have a spine removed for aging. Any accidental mortalities will also have otoliths removed. There is a paper published that stated no mortality occurred in their study when spines were removed. Were hoping to confirm that over a longer time frame.

    I’m sure I’ve got some other “here’s something else we can look at” ideas that I am forgetting about, but the ones listed above are the main goals driving the project and that is enough information to digest.

    As BK mentioned, please post any questions here and I’ll address them as they come up.

    Joel Stiras

    Posts: 467

    In IL, DNR would not permit private tagging. They’re going to collect fish to tag using a cobination of low-frequency electrofishing (supposed to work better on catfish) and hoop net sampling.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Shawn, I’ve talked with the DNR about this too a while back. Too much room for error and lost info…from their past experiences.

    Joel is working on setting up the survey. Once it’s complete we’ll have a link posted here to the survey site. Then the spreadsheet will be sent out to the participants.

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