Results of the last Cat Contest

  • Moores Bait
    Posts: 328

    Besides a bit of rain early on, it was a great night to be outside. The MN river produced as much to expected with a carp, sheephead, and a small channel. We weren’t suppose to pose any threat since I was out with a friend who hadn’t fished for years. After her attempt at netting the carp I was glad we didn’t get into them.

    The Mississippi was were the action was, with a number of fish being caught. From what I have gathered the bait of choice was suckers, both live and cut. Below are the results of this contest, and after a year long subaticle with house work, Mr. Kemp showed that he hasn’t lost his touch.

    1st place- Mr. Kemp (karl) with a nice 37 X 22
    2nd place- Shamu with a 27 1/2 X 16

    Channel cats-
    1st place- Riverhog with a dandy 32 X 19
    2nd place- Flaco651 (another boat partner of Mr. kemp & Riverhog) with a competitive 29.5 X 16

    Payouts for the winners in this event was-
    1st place- $36.00
    2nd place- $24.00

    Thanks once again for all that particapated, and made these an enjoyable event. We hope to be able to do these again next year.

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