• Moores Bait
    Posts: 328

    Another wonderful turnout again this past weekend for the contest. We also couldn’t have asked for better weather if we were ducks. Alot of fish and I think record poundage of fish were caught and released during this contest. Below are the winners, and a few honorable mentions…..

    1st Place- Larry Haugh 44 x 29
    2nd Place- Tom (catnip) 38 x 25

    Honorable mention- dtro (Darren) had what might have been a tie, but it feel only one inch off.

    Channel Cats-
    1st Place- dtro (Darren) 30 x 18
    2nd place- X-man (kou) 28.5 x 17

    Honorable mention- Mpls Pug (Mike) the underdog, a last minute entry (had to find a seat) comes thru with his first real entry. This young man may soon be the up and coming, so keep and eye out for this guy.

    Picutres and stories of these historic deeds will be posted soon. Thanks to all that particapated, and hope we can do it again next month.

    For the winners, here is the pay out sturcture for this contest. I know a few are counting on these winnings for something, a new boat who knows??????

    1st Place- 54.00
    2nd Place- 27.00

    Out the the eightteen contestants this time, $18.00 was taken out for the end of the season Pizza party….

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