Snake River?

  • dfresh
    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Hey guys. Since there is a lot of talk of sturgeon (lake sturgeon), has anyone really focused on the Snake river? From what I understand it holds lake sturgeon Snake River.

    Any ideas as to how big they get or how to effectively target them? Crawlers and sinkers, just like everywhere else?

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I’m pretty sure it’s not legal. Border waters are the only areas it’s legal to target lake sturgeon.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Now that is interesting Ryan. Hadn’t thought of that. I just thought that it would be a whole different ballgame in such a small river.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I double checked. There is no open season for Lake or Shovelnose Sturgeon on inland waters.

    The state record Lake did come out of the Kettle River, though.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    I waaaaas thinking of targeting the Snake for channels this summer. I saw an In-Fisherman TV show where Doug Stange was targeting them from shore. Maybe an accidental record sturgeon?

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946


    Maybe an accidental record sturgeon?

    It wont happen. Not only can you not fish for them other than areas specified open with the season… You cant do anything other than return them as quickly as possible to the water if you do happen to catch them on a different body of water other than open areas for harvest with the proper license where needed(sturgeon tag).

    Plenty of incidental sturgeon are caught on p4 every year, its one thing when they are incidental, but its frowned upon when people are specifically targeting them outside of open water areas*, generally speaking.

    A similar subject sparked a debate last fall on targeting sturgeon outside of open areas.

    Personally… I have no interest in stressing out an old fish in hot water(summer) in protected waters.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Dave – I meant nothing insidious by this and Ryan gave me good info. I guess I was just saying that an incidental giant while fishing for channels would be pretty rad.

    Anyway, anyone know how big they get in this river? Are they constrained by the size of the body of water? Do they migrate in from the St. Croix or spend their lives in the Snake?

    I am curious since I never knew they were in the river and have fished it a few times.

    Posts: 1455

    I would assume the ones in the Snake migrate up from the St. Croix as far as the dam below Cross Lake. I doubt they stick around all year as there is no deep water between there and the Croix. The Kettle on the other hand has it’s own population. Too bad there’s no open season on there anymore..would be fun to target them on a smaller river system.

    Posts: 198

    In the 20 years I’ve fished the snake river I have yet to see a sturgeon caught. I would fish the St. Croix if you want a good chance at a sturgeon.

    Posts: 387

    If u wanna catch sturgeon on a snake river, i’d do it on the one out west

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    There are LS in most rivers that flow into the Croix. ‘

    But that’s that’s not what the snake is about…BiG Channels. I’m wondering about ol’ Catten Addict. I think his house has been built and should be moved in by now…very close to the Snake.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053


    If u wanna catch sturgeon on a snake river, i’d do it on the one out west

    I saw a show on this. In-Fisherman Freshwater Monsters I believe. The guide actually jumped out of the boat to hold this 6 footer in the water. Wild.

    Posts: 517

    i dont know but the snake seems pretty small to me, every year we o there the only thing i catch is suckers and chubs.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Oh, there are some big channel cats in there my friend. I can attest to this.

    Posts: 293

    The Snake River has plenty of Sturgeon. I see dozens fly out of the water on Lake Pokegama every year. Pokegama also has a ton of channels. They are so thick you catch them on raps trolling for eyes. 10 lbs + are pretty common.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I believe the Snake winds it’s way through Mora which is very close to Knife Lake where my brother’s have cabins. I want to take my nephew’s canoe on a trip. This part of the river would also be perfect for that crappie pole technique I mentioned in another thread. I’ll have to get a hold of my Mora IDO contact who I never got out with this past summer.

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 530

    and who would that be pug? and are you sure your contact wants to be contacted by you after last summer?

    Posts: 3

    What is your preferred rig for channel cat fishing on the snake??? hoping to have some success this summer. Thanks!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6162

    Just a heads up. The snake is running high and over the banks right now.


    Posts: 3

    yeah I was just up there last week… was hoping it would be down enough this weekend to try! Either way I’ll be up there a lot and just want to be ready )

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22387

    The snake is ugly right now, very high. Old thread but we catch bigger sturgeon in the snake every summer while targeting channels and drum. Never target sturgeon but we do catch them

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    The snake is ugly right now, very high.

    I drove past Pine City a day last week and that thing looked more like a lake than a river. It just kept going. I saw several houses/cabins almost completely underwater in the distance too.

    Posts: 13

    Just an fyi for people who may not know. MN inland waters, Lake and shovelnose sturgeon can be targeted catch and release only no tag needed, Same dates every year June 16th to April 14!

    Posts: 3

    Here’s link to inland fishing regs:

    Am I the only one that finds this confusing?!? lol

    Including Lake Superior and St. Louis River
    Lake and Shovelnose Sturgeon 3/1/22 – 4/14/22 Catch-and-release only, no tag needed
    Including Lake Superior and St. Louis River
    Lake and Shovelnose Sturgeon 6/16/22 – 4/14/23 Catch-and-release only, no tag needed

    June-april is a pretty long season, but then why is 3/1-4/14 listed too?

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