WI residents – Spring Hearings

  • rburns
    Posts: 284

    I’d like to remind any and all Wisconsin residents that the DNR Spring Wildlife & Fisheries Proposed Rules Hearings take place in each WI county on Monday April 14th at 7:00PM.

    A lot of hard work has gone into studying and identifying the current overharvest problems that are present on certain parts of the Winnebago system. As a result the following question will be put to the people on April 14th.

    Be aware that there is a dedicated group of setline and bankpole fisherman who may be opposed to any restrictions being put on their annual flathead harvest. So we must all do our part to attend the spring meetings and vote on this issue to make sure there are trophy flatheads available for all future anglers, most of whom don’t have the luxury of having 25+ hooks bait 24 hours per day in the prime locations.

    QUESTIONS 17 – 18: Flathead catfish rule changes in the Lake Winnebago system

    Flathead catfish are one of the most important recreational and predator sport fish in the Winnebago System. It is a long-lived species that takes many years to reach trophy/quality size. Age and growth analysis has estimated these fish can live more than 30 years and are capable of attaining weights in excess of 60 pounds. Due to their long life span these fish populations may be particularly sensitive to angling pressure and harvest. In the Winnebago System, flathead catfish angling effort is directed by a combination of conventional rod and reel gear, setlines, and bankpoles. In the Wolf River, recent surveys of setline and bankpole effort indicate fishing pressure has remained at relatively high levels. Several measures have been taken to reduce exploitation including a ban on commercial fishing and lowering of daily bag limits in 2002. However, exploitation rates have still remained high, often reaching 33% or more of the quality to trophy size stock. Other concerns include the potential over harvest and/or snagging of flatheads during the late fall and winter. Anglers have voiced concern over declining flathead catfish numbers and size and have worked together with the department to formulate several management options to improve the quality of the fishery including:

    Implementing a 30 inch minimum size limit for flathead catfish in Winnebago system waters, with possession of fish between 36-42 inches prohibited, and a 1 fish daily bag limit (anglers could keep 1 flathead between 30-36 inches, or 1 larger than 42 inches). There is currently a 2 fish daily bag limit for flathead catfish in Winnebago system waters, with no minimum size limit.

    One of the major concerns expressed by anglers was a desire to improve the density of larger, trophy- sized (>40 inch, or 30+ pound) flathead catfish. This regulation would ensure protection of both young and old spawning stock. This is especially important considering these fish can live up to 30+ years of age and some of the larger females are capable of producing massive numbers of eggs. This regulation should improve overall population abundance, recruitment, and trophy potential for Winnebago System flatheads.

    For general anglers, establish a harvest season for flatheads that would open on the first Saturday of May and close on September 30 of each year (catch and release would apply the rest of the year). The current setline/bankpole season would remain the same.

    Currently, the flathead catfish season for general anglers is continuous. Information collected from radio telemetry tracking studies show flatheads have strong tendencies to congregate in large numbers and in select locations during over-winter periods (September – March). During the early and late phases of these periods they can be particularly susceptible to angling pressure and overexploitation since these fish do not move far from their over-winter habitat. In addition, during mid-winter coldwater periods the fish become very inactive and are easily snagged. The department has received several reports of anglers snagging catfish in both the Fox and Wolf Rivers. Having a closed harvest season during this period will ensure these fish are adequately protected during a vulnerable stage of their life history.

    Do you favor changing the open season for flathead catfish in Winnebago System waters from a continuous season to one that would open on the first Saturday of May and close on September 30 of each year?

    17. YES_______ NO_______

    Do you favor implementation of a 30 inch minimum size limit for flathead catfish in Winnebago system waters, with possession of fish between 36-42 inches prohibited, and a 1 fish daily bag limit (anglers could keep 1 flathead between 30-36 inches, or 1 larger than 42 inches) ? There is currently a 2 fish daily bag limit for flathead catfish in Winnebago system waters, with no minimum size limit.

    18. YES_______ NO_______

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Rob, will those questions be for all WI residents? Not just the counties affected?

    …and since out of staters could and do buy WI licenses..would they be allowed to vote?

    Posts: 1501

    I’m not a WI resident so it won’t affect me, but I’d be bummed about giving up my Oct Flatty fishing.

    Sure is nice to see that someone is taking charge and trying to implement something to protect the future fishery

    Posts: 284

    The question will be presented in all 72 counties. You must have proof of residence to vote.

    The proposed “season” is for harvesting. Catch and release is still allowed year round.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294


    I believe it would help to post the date of the Spring Hearings in the “Wisconsin General” forum as well.
    You may want to wait a few weeks before doing so.


    Posts: 284

    Joel, it would be helpful if you could help spread the word in your area or via email to folks you know. There are a lot of flathead friendly anglers in your neck of the woods.

    If you own a bait shop it might help if you could print out my post and hang it up somewhere.

    Like I said, I am sure there is a dedicated group setline anglers that plan on putting up as much opposition as they can to any restrictions being put on their harvest.

    I’ve personally argued with these folks and many of them act as if the flathead population belongs to few people who own land along the river and therefor can run setlines and bankpoles.

    The DNR is rightfully posing the question to the entire state as well all have a right to those fish.


    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294


    I don’t own a bait shop but will still do what I can.
    Every year I post when the spring hearings are and try to get as many outdoorsman as possible to attend.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’ll be in Elsworth flapping my lips about the ‘sippi and commercial fishing.

    Hopefully I’ll have some back up support.

    Posts: 284

    I just want to remind Wisconsin residents that the Conservation Congress Spring Hearings are being held in every county on Monday, April 14th at 7:00PM.

    I encourage as many people as possible to attend and vote to help protect the Winnebago System Flathead Catfish from overharvest.

    More details here: http://www.flatheadrulechange.com

    Please help….we need to pass these rule changes to help protect this top predator and amazing sport fish.

    Posts: 284

    Just thought I’d update what happened at the spring hearings:

    Do you favor changing the open season for flathead catfish in Winnebago System waters from a continuous season to one that would open on the first Saturday of May and close on September 30 of each year?

    YES 2392 NO 1341

    Do you favor implementation of a 30 inch minimum size limit for flathead catfish in Winnebago system waters, with possession of fish between 36-42 inches prohibited, and a 1 fish daily bag limit (anglers could keep 1 flathead between 30-36 inches, or 1 larger than 42 inches) ? There is currently a 2 fish daily bag limit for flathead catfish in Winnebago system waters, with no minimum size limit.

    YES 2161 NO 1558

    Now it is up to the state legislature to vote it into law. Thanks to everybody who helped get these proposals passed. It seems to me that the public input meetings tend to draw a lot more folks opposed to change than those that agree with it so we are happy with the results.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks for the update RB….I hope this will expand some of the thinking of the ‘sippi.

    The fishing is good…but it could be so much better!

    Posts: 467

    thanks for the info.. keep fighting the good fight!

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