heres thie pics, story to come later, being it’s past my bed time
August 22, 2007 at 8:52 am
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Fishing by Species » Catfish & Sturgeon » experimenting with catfish #1
heres thie pics, story to come later, being it’s past my bed time
this was the big one for the night at 33″ long and haveing a girth of 19″ any one have a good guess of a weight?
sorry but I can’t resize my pics as of yet so hopefully someone on here is willing to do so for me
someday I’ll figure it out, I promise
That’s because he didn’t get to resize them last night…they’ll be up soon as he gets up.
I seen a camera phone picture of the fish.. very poor quality picture(dark). Its a very nice channel!
I assume he likely has some digital cam pics of the fish… I would like to see some better pics myself.
Nice Channel Mike! (MNfishhunt)
this was the big one for the night at 33″ long and haveing a girth of 19″ any one have a good guess of a weight?
14-15 Pounds
Nice cat!
ok, now it’s story telling time.
once upon a time, ok so it was only last night, I made it out fishing after getting the boat hooked up and gased up, along with the truck
we stoped in for bait. after grabbing the biggist suckers they had it was off to the lake.
upon arrival to the lake, I noticed that the water was toxic green and I swear that there were spots that looked neon green. the alge bloom was in full swing. well I decided to brave this floresent(sp?) water I unloaded the boat around 6pm and crused the lake looking for a decent place to set up shop for a while.
spot “A” looked to be promiseing after I had heard for a few other people that normally the cought fish there. I pulled up and threw anchor. after getting lines in the water it was time to sit down and wait for a bite. so we did, and when the fish didn’t bite, we waited even more around 7 we decided to try another spot that look like it could be good. sadly that looked about as good as the first spot we tried, so around 8, I was pulling anchor again after I got that gut feeling that I needed to be back at spot A.
after enjoying a nice sunsetI turned on the lights and got ready to do some damage. one bait on bottom, another suspended under a lighted float. that was really nice haveing something to watch out there in the darkness, it really helped to pass the time
just watch out cause when the light goes out, get ready to hold on! the second pic actually came first. I looked at the float, blinked my eyes and the light was gone after a fun battle and a few pics I let her go, so that I could rebait and try for another bweast.
about 20 minutes later, I noticed something odd looking on the other rod that we had out. I picked up the rod to see if I could feel what was going on. As soon as I did, I felt a tap comeing from the other water. instantly I knew that it was a fish, and not just another bat that kept teaseing me all night. I reeled in some slack, felt the weight of the fish and set the hook as soon as I did, my boss #3 doubled over and I knew it was a good fish
however just as fast as the rod doubled, the fish seamed to be gone
I was jsut going to reel in and check my bait, so I jsut continued reeling in. all of a sudden the fish was there again on my line
after a couple more runs, I finally had the fish in the boat
2’9″ long, and had a girth of 1’7″ a new PB for me. after that fish it was slow untill the last fish came at 1am and it was a big old ugly bullhead, that I didn’t dare take a pic of, for fear of breaking my new camera.
BrainK? how do you keep your cameras from breaking when you get your pictures taken all the time?
and oh yeah, sorry about the measurements not being converted, but sturgon season is uppon us here shortly
Had you hung sonny’s under your bobbers you would have caught a dozen or so of them. Trust me. Still a nice fish. It is very common to have fish run at the boat fishing lake water. That is usually an indication of a larger fish. put bobbers on all your rigs and you’ll do better. They don’t care of the water is green from algae either.
Had you hung sonny’s under your bobbers
I had a jar of Sonny’s once… after multiple trips with no fih, I gave it to hanson!
hanson. hows that Sonny’s doing for you?
(last I knew, he never got a fish on it either)
I had a jar of Sonny’s once… after multiple trips with no fih, I gave it to hanson!
This leads me to believe that the metro catfish are a subspecies that is smarter and harder to catch than those regular cats, especially Sconi cats. You can catch them with a hook scented with a turd. (Almost Football Season)
Well, from my experience metro cats are harder to catch anyhow.
They urine in all the jars that are going to Minnesota. They are hawkeye fans after all. They hope to actually beat the Gophers this year.
They urine in all the jars that are going to Minnesota. They are hawkeye fans after all. They hope to actually beat the Gophers this year.
That must be true I know sonny’s is working for you
Mudshark spilled the beans
Sounds like fun Mike! Way to go Send me a pm when you firm up your lotw plans, we did great up there last weekend! Nate
BrainK? how do you keep your cameras from breaking when you get your pictures taken all the time?
I’m a platinum member of Fry’s Outpost. Who said they didn’t break??
Those are huge lake fish! Nice catch!
I skunked a non believer of Sonny’s 5-0 one night last year. I keep two jars handy. ‘spose I could switch to the bucket one of these days…guess I’m still in denial.
well I made it out again and here was another close call to a PB for me, I think it was a littel smaller then the one I got last night, but it was still a nice fish IMO
I measured it as 33.5″ yet only a 17″ girth????
Wow, another nice pig. That one looks bigger than the others. You sure your tape measure didn’t shrink overnight?
You’ve got that “dreaming” look down Mike!
Are you running over to Madison or the Red River each day??
Nice fish!
Let me know when you want it back, I need to make some room in my tackle bag for more bass plastics.
I hear Manny(blacksportsman) has been looking for some new bait alternatives
NO I think that he shrunk over night. He looks a little thiner don’t you think.
I can say that it was a nice cathc. I was the one that took the pic. I was amazed at how hard it is to see one come in. I may be a newbie at this but I think its great to see such a nice fish like the ones that he brought in. I had never been cat fishing and I think its the best. only wish I could have been the one to bring at least one of them. Maybe next time, Im going to have to go out and get a licence so I can go next time we go out fishing. LOL!! I would love to be able to do some of the fishing. Any how nice cat mike!!
I had never been cat fishing and I think its the best.
It has a way of getting into your blood.
yea know all I have been thinking of is going cat fishing again. I have been looking at the lakes and rivers around here in wisconsin, looking for a good place to go some time. I was looking at the lake in my home town wondering if maybe it had catfish in it the size like Mike had gotten. I think the lakes around cumberland are all spring fed waters. Maybe some one could help me out here.
You can usually find out online at lake link or the DNR website what species are in what lakes. If your lake is part of a river system, those usually hold cats. The only way to find out how big they are is to fish it an see what happens. I would start by hitting weedlines close to main lake structures on water known to hold cats.
Thanks for the info. Im going to go and look to see what we have and maybe even do some fishing, I just have to get a rod and stuff really soon.
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