Haven’t heard much about P2 this year for cats.
Anyone fishing it?
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Fishing by Species » Catfish & Sturgeon » Anything going on around P2?
Haven’t heard much about P2 this year for cats.
Anyone fishing it?
I might have to start up on it. The Minnesota River is getting pretty crowded lately, Every time I go out I’m crossing paths with someone and lots of times its former P2 regulars, you know who you are.
I might have to start up on it. The Minnesota River is getting pretty crowded lately, Every time I go out I’m crossing paths with someone and lots of times its former P2 regulars, you know who you are.
Hey Jake!
How’s fishing been for you this year?
…and don’t be such a stranger!
I’d say P1 regulars more then P2.
Speaking of P2 I’ll be pre-fishing P2 this week now that P1 is closed…..I’m thinking Wingdams and snags in the area just past Downtown St.Paul…..
Was out last night, catching nothing. Had a few runs that weren’t able to be capitalized on, other than that, spent most of the night keeping an eye on all the barges, and Jake. Hope you guys faired better than we did Jake, nice seeing you out and about. If anything, I was able to check off another spot for next week.
Those guys were busy last night. Its pretty rare to pass multiple tugs in one night. They are kicking it up a notch in the evenings on the weekends, trying to make hay while there is still water in the river. Slow night for us last night.
Ran across a couple fellow catters at the launch. They had one decent channel that ran 8lbs. Caught interestingly enough……….. On Chicken liver.
I have been mixing it up on pool 1, 2, and some of the MN river all week when I could sneak out. A few channels are willing to bite until the moon comes up, even fewer flatheads showing up lately.
Pool 1 has a NASTY OIL SLICK on it, the fish arent biting very well, and when you do catch one, it will stink along with your landing net! The oil slick made it to the Ford Dam area lst night (8/3)
The oil slick made it to the Ford Dam area lst night (8/3)
I haven’t been to the cities in a long while…and don’t see it in the near future. Are they trying to stop it Dave? Is it too late?
Slow night for us last night.
Skunking for us too, that is if we aren’t counting channel cats. Couldn’t keep them stupid things off our baits. Ended with 7 or 8, biggest being a long 31″ 9 lbs on a live bullhead. Heartbreak city man!
That says it all Hanson….complaining about a 9 pound channel. You’ve got it bad…Flatheaditis…
No known cure.
….what a great way to die….
The oil slick made it to the Ford Dam area lst night (8/3)
I haven’t been to the cities in a long while…and don’t see it in the near future. Are they trying to stop it Dave? Is it too late?
I dont know of any chemical barrier, and I dont know if one would do any good. I think that is the least of the concerns at this time. It doesnt sound like that many cars made it into the water.
I havent been to the 35w site, I am trying to give those guys some space to do their job.
There is a Sherriff outpost in Mill Ruins Park right now at the parking lot, and the main base camp in East River Flats directly below the U of M hospital. The Ford Lock is closed except for emergency boats.
With the amount of oil near the Ford Dam the other night, I would guess there has to be some nasty oil slicks along pool 1 right now somewhere… hopefully some effort will be made to clean up the mess. I believe the power house is still running at the Ford Dam… so oil in pool 2 is not out of the question.
I’ve only fished P2 three times this year around St. Paul. I still plan on getting out there a few more times this year though. Since I moved last October to Burnsville/Savage I have focused on the MN river the majority of the time this season. Most of the time I’ve spent on the Sippi this season has been on P1. Every once in a while I used to make it out to P3 also…haven’t made it at all this year.
Hey Brian it hasnt benn anything like last year. just not the size. I dont see you around sportsmans so much anymore.
That’s because you only work part time!
I had the FW stop in yesterday to pick up a couple things for me. Starting to get ready for sturgeon season don’tchasee?
So…the question of the day is….Is Ashley letting you catch any fish this year?
Well there’s a couple guys that need their ears pinned back…and she’s just the person to do it!
The bridge collapse causing you guys any problems in your area?
Sturgeon season is coming up..got a couple bookings already…might want to mention that to Ryan.
The bridge collapse causing you guys any problems in your area?
Yup! I’m Four block away from the bridge and you can’t get anywhere near the river without getting chased off. And I’m talking by the Franklyn bridge too!
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