I told my fishing partner before leaving the docks of Everts Resort that it was going to be an early night. Stuart agreed…but I know how I am, “early” generally means early in the morning! To ensure we didn’t get carried away, I cut down on our bait supply. Since we were going to be fishing rocks and wood, 14 bullies took a ride with us.
It was a night off from guiding and a good time to do some scouting and relaxing with a good friend. Greg from Vandy’s Guide Service gave me a tip as to where he’s been catching a few flats consistently on bucktails while walleye fishing. So I suggested to Stuart that we make that our first stop, then move on to some other haunts on the upper end of P4. Armed with a couple bottles of Mountain Dew, we headed to the first and what turned out to be our only destination.
We anchored (thanks for the boat control help Stuart!) in a large eddie area that made our boat point down stream and our casts go up river. Yup…bass akwards. The left front rod had the bait dropped straight down, the two back rods were cast back to a currant seam on a shelf that dropped off to…well, deep water. The right front rod was cast down stream in a current break line.
It wasn’t long about 8:30 and we had our first run…it was hard to detect because of the eddie. Once we notice either strange movement in the rod tip or the line, it was easy to tell if it was the slight boat swing and a rock or an actual fish. We did miss a number of fish on hook set. I think it was because of slack in the line between the fish and the sinker. It was really hard to tell as we could feel the fish moving, but when the moment to truth came…nothing…I didn’t even feel the sinker. We did manage to boat a couple little guys and the 15 pounder pictured above.