Saturday afternoon, the wife wanted to go out and be one of those people we all hate, so we went with some friends pleasureboating Drink a few beers, and get home later then I wanted. I had promised my Bro-in law that we would get out catfishing since he had gotten the bug while on the Sturgeon Excursion. Boat was all ready to go, grab some bullheads, hook up and go.
Get to Everts about 8 pm. Dean was not in the bait shop, and the lights were off, but I had called earlier and he said he would be around, and to grab what I needed and pay him when I see him. A few more fresh bullheads and we were on the water. Deans brother in coming into town and wants a Flathead fix, so we BSed a little about locations before hitting the water. Expect a PM later. Everts is a TOP CLASS resort in all respects. Thanks Dean
When getting into my spot, I found a few boats were also out, and my #1 spot had a guy anchored in it. Not a problem, on to spot 2. Fished here most for a few hours, getting a few runs and a agressive 9lb fish. Relocated to another spot that I have never seen anyone fish. This is the outside bend of a small channel, some undercut banks, and a few trees. I have fished it a few times, but have never pulled a fish out of there, it just always seemed fishy.
Throw out the rods, and setting in for a nice conversation. About 1 AM I am dead beat tired from the sun all day, and I said lets stick it out for another half hour and call it a day. Well, that angered the fish, and we had a clicker run. I pick the rod and set the hook. Smaller fish, not much fight, thinking small flathead. What comes up…..a 30.5″ walleye with a 7″ bullhead completely down its throat. Ties my PB. All we could see is the tail sticking out. Very cool, but there is no way I can get the hook out from it’s gullet, so I break out the scissors and start to cut the hook. Grab the camera to take a few shots, and the batteries are dead. Thats alright, I keep spares, in the other case sitting on the kitchen counter.
I am just cutting the line to release the walleye when the clicker runs on one of the other rods. Kent grabs it, sets the hook and all I hear is UGHHH. I know it is a good fish. I give the walleye a quick release and watch the flathead rookie fighting this fish. I don’t think Kent really understood the power of these fish until he gets it near the boat, and it takes a 50 foot run stripping line off the reel like it is not even there. I am getting excited
Fish comes up, we net her, and what a beauty she is. Throw the scale on her, 37lbs 11oz. With no camera back in she goes. If anyone was still on the river, they heard us cheering and high fiving. Biggest fish I have had in my boat (until next weekend
So the moral of the story, KEEP SPARE BATTERIES FOR YOUR CAMERA. And keep fishing.
2 personal best fish and a wonderful night on the river, how can you beat that