audemp WiPosts: 721 May 27, 2007 at 4:35 am #1220483 Post your pics of your biggest channels of 2007. red river channel cat video
Brian KlawitterKeymaster Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi RiverPosts: 60010 May 27, 2007 at 4:28 pm #575334 Here’s a pic that was emialed to me. I’ll the the gentalman or the young lady post the details.
audemp WiPosts: 721 May 27, 2007 at 7:20 pm #575368 Here is one my son and daughter helped me reel in.
jhalfen Posts: 4179 May 27, 2007 at 9:12 pm #575401 One of two 10+ lb channels that Lake Wissota coughed up for my clients last week.
flaco651 St. Paul's WestsidePosts: 296 May 28, 2007 at 12:00 am #575418 here is one from yesterday.34×18.5 and 16.7 lbs.
Whiskerkev MadisonPosts: 3835 May 29, 2007 at 5:06 pm #575803 This one has been up here before. 22lbs and some change.
life1978 Eau Claire , WIPosts: 2786 June 18, 2007 at 3:39 am #581453 Now thats a cute picture! Quote: My son’s biggun 7.13 lbs. [image][/image]
Eric Pomplun janesville, wisconsinPosts: 480 July 4, 2007 at 3:22 am #586787 heres my biggest of the year a 24 incher caught on the rock river. nothing huge but still fun.
bret_clark Sparta, WIPosts: 9361 July 29, 2007 at 6:00 pm #595087 Dodge Boy’s 15lb Drifting Channel Cat
bret_clark Sparta, WIPosts: 9361 July 29, 2007 at 6:01 pm #595088 And JPMason sticks one at a good 13lbs That makes a guys night
larry_haugh MNPosts: 1767 July 29, 2007 at 11:39 pm #595155 This one went 17lbs. My PB caught back in early May of 07
stcroixer Croix ValleyPosts: 689 July 31, 2007 at 6:17 pm #595713 Here is a 25″ DeMars Special. bye bye monkey
bret_clark Sparta, WIPosts: 9361 August 4, 2007 at 2:47 pm #596918 20lbs hauled in by Joe while drifting cut baits
stcroixer Croix ValleyPosts: 689 August 5, 2007 at 5:39 pm #597155 6.5# channel caught at midnight, 10 FOW on cut bait, drifting on the lower croix. Not the biggest, but very satisfying on a deep/wide river like the Croix.Drifting is where it is at
mplspug Palmetto, FloridaPosts: 25026 August 8, 2007 at 9:52 pm #598306 Oh sure, skip over me. Actually you probably get out before me so yeah, your turn.
dfresh Fridley, MNPosts: 3053 August 9, 2007 at 3:31 pm #598526 Pug, is it ever your turn? Just kidding, you’ll get one soon buddy!
Mudshark LaCrosse WIPosts: 2972 August 9, 2007 at 4:43 pm #598554 Would have been better if I posted the picture
farmboy1 Mantorville, MNPosts: 3666 August 9, 2007 at 4:46 pm #598555 Nice Fish Mudshark. You need to work on your picture face, the grimace made me laugh
Mudshark LaCrosse WIPosts: 2972 August 9, 2007 at 4:50 pm #598558 Ya Ya Ya……I had a cigarette in my yap….crass? yes…but it was better than spitting it out in somebody’s boat
farmboy1 Mantorville, MNPosts: 3666 August 9, 2007 at 6:34 pm #598599 Ohh, it’s a smoke. I thought it had bit you or something.
mplspug Palmetto, FloridaPosts: 25026 August 9, 2007 at 8:24 pm #598646 You went to the Mr.Special school of posing? And no, it isn’t ever my turn. And an odd fishing has been eating my bullheads lately. Yeah, I know. How dare I post that here. Well I had to prove there was a fish still dumb enough to be caught by me.
dfresh Fridley, MNPosts: 3053 August 9, 2007 at 8:57 pm #598662 Pug, is that an Abu 6500 in the pic?!
mplspug Palmetto, FloridaPosts: 25026 August 9, 2007 at 9:24 pm #598679 Not a Borg. I always where the miner light. Makes me feel like a cat guy. No, that be my trusty Quantum Iron 3.