What do you guys think?
Flatheads look for the struggling fish…but adding the odor that can be followed up stream couldn’t hurt, could it?
Of course the trick might be in how it’s stuck on to the bully…
Think I’m nuts??
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Fishing by Species » Catfish & Sturgeon » Bullhead dipped in Sonny’s
What do you guys think?
Flatheads look for the struggling fish…but adding the odor that can be followed up stream couldn’t hurt, could it?
Of course the trick might be in how it’s stuck on to the bully…
Think I’m nuts??
no brian, I don’t think your nuts, I KNOW your nuts!!!!
You 2 must be close friends
Why couldn’t the Sonnys be put in a cheese cloth and attached to the line by the sinker? The smell trail would be there for the attraction and the bully for the taking.
I also remember seeing once on here a pill bottle with little holes drilled in it then a hole through the middle for the line. I would think that would work slick
With the medication you must be on Brian, I’m sure you have a pill bottle around somewhere
Flatheads look for the struggling fish…but adding the odor that can be followed up stream couldn’t hurt, could it?
Of course the trick might be in how it’s stuck on to the bully…
Think I’m nuts??
That’s two different questions, right?
For a year now I’ve been wondering how to add scent to my bait. Just to up the odds and make it easier for a cat to hone in on my bait. Also, maybe the scent might create a little urgency for the flat to find the bait before any competition does.
Fishing the opener this weekend, I came up with this idea. I had a bottle of some scent stuff for bait and lure called Nitro gravy. It scent was shad. Then it dawned on me I have a flavor injector at home for roasts. That would work perfect. I also figure I could use it on a bullhead. Injecting it in the body would be a bad idea if I wanted to keep him lively, so I thought why not force feed him some to burp up. I wish they had a bullhead flavor.
This is an experiment I am going to try this year, along with possibly something to make subtle noise when the bullhead struggles.
Why not just use a safety pin or small hook to attach a piece of cloth (or something similar) to the bullhead? Musky guys to this with suckers and plastic baits to attach blades for extra flash. Seems like you could attach something with scent on it just behind the dorsal fin. Another trick for skis is clipping the sucker’s tail just a bit to make them struggle more, but I’m not sure that it would add any scent. Attaching something with scent on it to the bully seems like a great idea to me.
Okay…how about a 1″ cube of sponge soaked in your favorite scent and placed on the hook before you bait up with the bullie or whatever live bait you’ve got. Sponge cubes soaked in scent is not my idea (been around for quite some time), but using them in combination with a live bait is something I’ve yet to have heard.
Heck, I might even try that one
You guys go right ahead and give it a try.. in someone elses boat!
In the past while using cutbait for flats, I have only had success on very fresh cut bait, its best if its alive before I cut it, and I havent had any luck when the bait was dead long enough to lose color. I switch out cut baits about every 20 minutes when flathead fishing.
With this said, I dont know if Sonnys has anything with fresh qualities coming out of it, and I dont ever recall anyone catching flatheads on it.. I dont have a reason to try to use the stinky stuff… I cant even catch a channel on it around here!
Dave is right about that. I have never caught a flat on the stuff. If they taste or smell dead fish I think they head the other way.
5 years and no follow up on how this worked out BK? Your a slacker.
When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. Mark Twain
I rather keep the channel cats away rather than draw them in. Live baits are too valuable to have them killed by the other whiskered fish. Using cut baits, go for it. Try one of those bait cages that carp anglers use…
I agree with Dave. I have problems with channel cats taking my live baits or killing them in an attempt to get them down.
When I toss out little poles with cut shad to keep the kids busy with forkails as I wait on flathead I notice that I lose more baits to the channel cats.
I have offered theories that flathead rely more on their lateral line to locate struggling baits than they do on smell or sight. Seems like they inhale most baits and are prepared to blow unwanted items back out.
But it is also true they will search out winter killed fish for their first meal in the Spring. Maybe they need something slow in cold water or they need something soft to jumpstart a digestive system that has been innactive for several months.
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