I like the way the head is turned to keep from getting Clonk juice to the face
there’s a mental image for ya
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I like the way the head is turned to keep from getting Clonk juice to the face
there’s a mental image for ya
No Dave, I haven’t invested in another one yet. Sadly, the weather has been so bad I haven’t even gone through the tackle box, respooled the lines or read up on all my cat magazines.
Just finishing up the transfer from VHS to DVD (Thanks Work). Anyone want to come over for a viewing party? I can set up a big storage container full of water and we can all practice. <img src=”http://www.in-depthangling.com/forum/images/graemlins/smash.gif” alt=”” />
Id like to see one work sometime.
Seriously…for just one moment…Thanks for being a good sport Mike.
Now for the second serious moment for the day.
In the ads for the clonk, read them carefully. In the one mag that Denny Helgren had an interview in, when asked if they really do work…he said, and I quote “you tell me”. I’ve NEVER seen an advertisement for them at comes out and says “yes folks, these do work”. The theory is that they do not “call” catfish…pictures of flathead gives one the impression that this is what they are used for. There must be a cat close by and the noise made by the clonk stimulates the cat into feeding…and hopefully on your bait. I would guess like a feeding frenzy turns on fish, the clonk would turn on a cat.
I recall one fella, a very good catman that was close to these and the people that were selling them (at the time)said, “I will stick to more scientific methods of fishing”.
I think I might agree…until someone show me that there is a tiny bit of value in them.
I don’t discount them. Ask DTRO or some others at KOTC summer gathering last year about my hand Clonking.
I will do it when things get slow.
DTRO feel free to share the story if you recall.
I do remember you down by the shore playing in the water. Then the next thing I know, your flopping a Gar around.
Isn’t that the same night you took Jerry straight in the mouth?
Isn’t that the same night you took Jerry straight in the mouth?
Actually, The gar came early in the AM.
I was thinking of the time—when I was clonking and we got a bump witnessed by many…… So……….. I think that Im on a role….. And Mr.DTRO somehow manages to sneak up and grab my line with out me knowing. I’m going Clonker/crazy for a few minutes and Dtro starts yanking on my line. Out of the corner of my eye I see my rod double over and…. of course…. Move and react accordingly with a few bumps under my belt.
(Jerry the Sailor Spiced Rum…. Hence taking it in the mouth…another story). Needless to say It was a good laugh watching Mr. Flatcaster go Cat/Crazy almost falling into the MN river thinking he got a really nice Hit while hand clonking.
That’s exactly what it came down to for me was if things were slow, say 1/2 hour to an hour. I start doing a little clonking. It really depends on the situation. If the river is really ripping (flow) or my bait is placed far away from the boat, I am not even going to bother.
There are plenty of stories about guys getting bites right after their first cast….right after their weight made a nice splash.
I will say this. If at times it does wake them up, then you can probably be sure there are times it turns them off.
I should get a hold of my local ichthyologist and find out just how closely related to Wels cats Flatheads are.
If i get a boat this spring and/or get out much more than I have, I may have to get another one. But that is also $30+ I could spend on terminal tackle.
I forgot about that Larry. Was that before or after I tipped over in my chair?
It all comes down to confidence. If you catch more fish saying 25 Hail Mary’s (or think you do). I say Hail away.
Dtro, I bet a lot of outsiders wouldn’t think confidence would matter much in catfishing. After all, aren’t we just casting and sitting? It’s not like chucking lures, is it?
But I know how confidence, along with patients, is very important, in all fishing. When guys are less confident they’ll be moving their bait more often than they should. And confidence is huge when you get one to take the bait. It will be the difference between setting the hook too soon, too late, too hard or doing it right.
A big part of confidence is preparation. That’s one thing I am going to work on this year.
And confidence is huge when you get one to take the bait. It will be the difference between setting the hook too soon, too late, too hard or doing it right.
A big part of confidence is preparation. That’s one thing I am going to work on this year.
Pug you bring to light a couple very interesting points.
Preparation being the first. I know I spend alot of time getting things ready, double checking to make sure that everything is in order. I didn’t think about it till you mentioned in conjunction with the confidence factor…. The time that I spend prepping is allowing me to the mental preparation, rehearsing how something works, working out bugs, running scenarios so when my time on the water comes I’m able to focus on the task at hand, knowing how the gear, tackle, boat will react when I get my chance.
That does build confidence because you know what to expect from the things that you have control over.
As far as the timing and how to preform the actual task. Practice, Practice, Practice, and Patience X 10. We all haver streaks when we are struggling to dial it in. I’ve had them, I’ve seen DTRO have them, There have been nights when both of us literally had over 12-15 Misses before we could connect with a good hook set, watch confidence slide after a streak like that.
Thats where the prep and patience comes in.
You know you will get another shot and you know that your gear is working as it should………. You run through your head what you think may have been the cause for the miss and you react accordingly if possible.
Finally when you connect…
It makes it all the sweeter!
Sailor Jerry can be dangerous…but it’s sooooo tasty!
Mmmmm…. Mmmmmm it is tasty and sneaky
I am more cofussed after reading this than before. What the heck is a cloker? Have I been living in the dark ages I have never heard of one of these before. It sounds like and noise maker that atracks the fish?
It’s a noise maker that allegedly might turn a flathead on when they aren’t on the prowl. I am convinced with Wels cats in Europe that it works, but flatheads aren’t Wels cats. Will it ever be proved or disproved with flatheads? Hard to say since the control group is much larger than the test group. I only know one other person who has one and Marc has sworn me to secrecy.
Have I been living in the dark ages I have never heard of one of these before
Not to worry, you haven’t missed anything. I’m sorry I brought this old post up and wasted your time.
I brought it up for the humor…and to pick on Pug (just a bit )
I’m going to go out on a limb here. Spend the $15 or whatever they are charging for these now, and put it into gas for your boat. You’ll be catfish ahead.
Welcome to IDO! Another Lakelandite!
Every time I go to that link…I feel ashamed.
Really? I thought most people felt dirty after going there.
this is fun just reading your twos comments on all the different topics. what does this clunker sound like. I just have to know. thanks briank for the advise
what does this clunker sound like.
Money going down the drain.
I could not get either website to work but it could be because im at work maybe they have it blocked. im going to try and find it
I verified the links. They go to YouTube, so I wouldn’t be surprised if your work blocked it.
yup my work blocked youtube. there are nazis around here. is this the same thing as what you got? http://www.justcatfishing.com/tiplist.html
is this sopose to sound like catfish eating or what makes them come in
yup my work blocked youtube. there are nazis around here. is this the same thing as what you got? http://www.justcatfishing.com/tiplist.html
is this sopose to sound like catfish eating or what makes them come in
That’s it….I was ripped! $16 I am going to get another one. If nothing else, I can always talk to Marc and Outdoors fishing another area via Morse code.
As for the theory of why it works, well, you’d have to prove it works first I guess. But we’ve go over this every year here. Nothing short of filming a flat take it straight out of the hand of someone clonking is going to convert most. Until then you’d have to be able to take the razzing.
To put it in perspective, to say it can’t hurt, really applies to me.
Until then you’d have to be able to take the razzing.
I know, I should be a bit more sensitive. But anything that comes with a subscription to Dr Phil magazine is worth a little chuckle, isn’t it??
i was thinking about making one of these untill I heard the dr phil comment, that is beyond razzing its more like sexual harassment
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