The Gf wants her own flathead rod and reel. She used my gear last year but doesn’t like my casting gear. Any of you have any experience with the okuma baitfeeders or any other spinning gear for flats? Any recommendations on rod? I would like to keep the price down for her.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Fishing by Species » Catfish & Sturgeon » Okumo baitfeeder reels
Okumo baitfeeder reels
May 15, 2014 at 3:47 pm #1410598
I have an Okuma Spinning reel that I use for channels and sturgeon. Pretty solid reels.
May 15, 2014 at 3:52 pm #1410599Quote:
I have an Okuma Spinning reel that I use for channels and sturgeon. Pretty solid reels.
That reel will fit your needs just fine
InactiveRobbinsdalePosts: 7348May 15, 2014 at 4:18 pm #1410610Gander is the only place locally I have ran across them. What are you using for rods?
InactiveRobbinsdalePosts: 7348May 15, 2014 at 4:51 pm #1410613Been scanning the aisles for one, I really like the okuma big rods at FF. Cheap, good tip for bites, softer though for casting, probably pick one up sometime. Have a mh jiggin bass rod I use for channels and those last night kicked my freakin A$$, showed how completely inadequate I would be with a flat on the other end of even my biggest heavy rod.
May 15, 2014 at 5:07 pm #1410616I have an Okuma Avenger 40 w/baitfeeder on an Uglystick “Catfish” pole, color white. Gander should have both.
May 15, 2014 at 5:13 pm #1410617I personally would only use a baitcaster for flatheads, however I would think a big Okuma spinning reel would work.
I have big Okuma trolling reel that I have used for flatheads and sturgeon.
May 15, 2014 at 5:59 pm #1410627I grabbed a Okuma avenger abf 65 from Gander. I might just get a Berkeley glow stick for now.
May 16, 2014 at 6:08 am #1410675I’ve got a lightly used Okuma Epixor baitfeeder that I would be willing to part with. I’ll check on the specifics and get a few pictures, if anyone is interested.
May 16, 2014 at 6:23 am #1410686Quote:
I grabbed a Okuma avenger abf 65 from Gander. I might just get a Berkeley glow stick for now.
Nothing wrong with a glowstick. They ain’t pretty. The battery operated lighting is pretty much useless. They are relatively cheap.
But most importantly, they get the job done.
May 16, 2014 at 6:58 am #1410698Unless your are using 10/0 circle hooks for your flatheads, i would not use a spinning reel…Unless it has a clicker.
Fishing in wood often calls for us to HORSE the fish out of the wood. Spinning reels are not meant to be winches like baitcaster reels are. You just bend the handle unless you work the fish with the ROD only.
Buy here a sweet baitcaster setup and teach her how to use it.
May 16, 2014 at 7:25 am #1410704I’m not a fan of baitcasters either. Although the “line feeder” do work well. I haven’t seen any handles bent but I have seen arbors bent…and yes there are people on this site that use them all the time without fail.
I know when I was looking at buying a bait caster for the first time I was worried about being able to cast and not have the birds nest all the time.
Someone told me to keep my thumb on the spool and just stop the spool just before it hits the water.
Not only has this worked for me, but I’ve taught many people how to use a bc for cat fishing.
It’s not like we’re casting a size 5 Rap…with 3 oz of weigh and a few practice casts she’ll be off and running.
The good thing about the Glow Stick is that it’s inexpensive. The cons are that the light will blind a person (at least in a boat). There isn’t any sensitivity to speak of which some will argue a person doesn’t need in flat fishing.
Put a Wanted To Buy in the classifieds. I’m sure there’s some out there that people bought and would like to get rid of…if you haven’t received any PM’s already.
You can likely tell I’m sold on bait casters for cats…
May 16, 2014 at 8:47 am #1410728i have spinning and baitcaster set up for catting
ive own and have many okumas/Saltstriker from 50s-90series and they have wrked really well. esp for the price.
i have sum Epixor’s and the Avenger’s
they have a cabelas version called the saltstriker “which is wat i actually have” its a tad cheaper and jsut as good
ive used them in fresh and saltwater. everything from channels to bullsharks
one thing i like about teh baitfeeder in the spinning setup is u can adjust the tension of the bait feeder
heck there are times in current with a big lively bait that the clicker on my 7000 gives but also makes for sum action lola very good and economical set up is the Kingkat combo with a saltstriker/okuma with bait feeder reel from the Big-C
go with the 8′ or even 10′ rod the 7′ is a lil too noodly for flats IMO but will wrkone thing i will suggest is the bigger reels in a 80-90series will have a bigger beefier handle that very ergonomic and easy to hold esp with slipper hands.
May 16, 2014 at 9:31 am #1410762Phil, the big knob on the right side of the 7000 will adjust the clicker although it might have to be loosened prior to the next cast. FYI
May 16, 2014 at 12:07 pm #1410803Yea that’s way I do but then I forget on the next cast. But man does that bully go far tho lol
May 16, 2014 at 9:25 pm #1410872I have used the Okuma Trio Baitfeeder 80 size reel before and I loved the blended aluminum and graphite design used on the body, rotor and spool. This design kept things super light yet super strong. This and a Penn Spinfisher V 8500 LiveLiner reel were the two big setups I rented last fall in Sanibel, Florida when I went shark fishing. Both reels will cost you a bit of $$$, but they feature watertight designs and those two brands are known for hardly any malfunctions or repairs being needed. I will be getting a Spinfisher V 8500 LiveLiner for my new e-glass rod I got at Fleet Farm, I think it’s called a Zebco Cat Fighter. I can hurl an 8 ounce weight with it somewhat comfortably as its nearly 10′ long and it was $22 so that’s another option for ya. I have never used a Berkley Glow Stick, but might try one, I just don’t know if the hollow design will hold as well as other rods in that size.
June 1, 2014 at 12:18 pm #1413498I love the baitfeeders for cats/sturgeon. I use Shimano Baitrunner 6000s and don’t have any problems. My friend used Avengers all last year with no issues seems to be a solid reel. Good luck!
June 1, 2014 at 5:45 pm #1413528Berkley Glow sticks work just fine. I have 3 of them and I have pulled in a 35 lbs flat with one of them no problem. Along with sturgeon every year.
June 1, 2014 at 7:05 pm #1413537I ended up getting a 9′ mh glow stick for now for her to use. Now we just need to find a flathead to break it in. I will be working down in Prior Lake work this week so I might bring the boat with and hit the Minnesota after work one night this week.
Fred Scott
Posts: 34July 7, 2014 at 3:12 pm #1438293I use 9′ ugly sticks medium action paired with an Okuma Avenger ABF 40 reel. It has a bait feed clicker alarm and the medium action rods work great with circle hooks when young or inexperienced cat fishing clients are getting ready to tangle with the channel cats of Lake Champlain. Good luck to you!
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