I Have never felt this much power before

  • Flathead Fever
    robbinsdale mn
    Posts: 165

    I ventured out to the Croix last night to try this sturgeon thing again. I was woke up from a nap when I felt a tap tap and hooked into a little guy (20in)or so. It was my first sturgeon YEA!!!. About 1:30 tap tap, set the hook and HOLY CHIT!!! I have never felt so much power from a fish in my life. I have my drag set at 20lbs and this thing was pulling it out as fast has he liked. I tried to stop the spool with my thumb but my rod started to go into the water and making little tick noises so I let it run some more. I fought it for about 5 min and could not gain any ground or wear it out. It got into the motor and SNAP gone. I was by myself and im a newbie so Im sure with more practice I will get better. Im hooked!

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    They’ll definitely find any weak spot in your gear! Time to get back after it!

    Posts: 7348

    It is better to have hooked and lost to have never hooked at all…..still makes a guy want to break his rod in half though. Good luck next time!

    Flathead Fever
    robbinsdale mn
    Posts: 165

    yeah I dropped a few F bombs and all the other boats around me didn’t really say nothing I think they knew I was pissed. I’m going out next weekend and I’m staying until I get one

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    It’s called Sturgeon Fever. Glad you caught that!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You figured the F bomb piece all by yourself.

    Nothing like getting manhandled by a fish.

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    gotta love that drag peeling sound, music to my ears. youll get em next time for sure, and being a ‘newb’ shouldn’t matter either, my second time attempting with a good buddy I had the hot stick and pulled in six ranging from 20-43″

    Posts: 12

    If that was Saturday night, I was out there and heard you cussing. Lol.

    Posts: 1899


    If that was Saturday night, I was out there and heard you cussing. Lol.

    It might have been my brother. They probably heard him in River Falls.

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