So, I don’t claim to be an expert Cat man, but I do love to fish for Channels. I’ve always liked to use chicken livers for bait but, like everyone, I hate trying to keep them on the hook. I searched Youtube the other day and found a video posted by a young man (credit to him for this!). He took a container of chicken livers and the olive oil from a can of sardines and turned it into a smoothie in the blender (yum!). He cut up boneless/skinless pieces of chicken and poured the slurry over it. He said to keep it in the fridge for at least a day.
I tried it. The bait is not horrible to use,it stays on the hook, and it catches fish!
I am going to try soaking some cut bait next time. I might add some stinky cheese to the smoothie. I wonder why he did not toss in the sardines as well as the oil….