Ok guys, you won’t believe this one!!! Call it dumb luck!! I’m a Rock River local, and lemme tell ya, the Rock is not a river that is known for producing HUGE flatheads. It’s not uncommon to see 20 pounders caught in the way upper river, but nothing, I mean nothing of this magnitude!!! My 10 year old son and I were vertical jigging walleyes on the Rock this last Friday near Ft. Atkinson WI just above Lake Koshkonong. At about 5:00pm I got hit so hard it darn near knocked the rod out of my hand!!! I didn’t realize the size of the fish so I did what I always do and handed my 10 year old son the rod, 15 minutes later we hadn’t seen the fish yet. Here I am standing there with the net giving him crap because he couldn’t get the fish to the boat. Him being 10 years old I figured it was a 15 lb Buffalo or Carp or something of that nature. He eventually got the fish along side of the boat but couldn’t get it off the bottom, he tuckered out and handed me the the rod. I immediatley knew the fish was HUGE when I took the rod, kinda felt bad for heckeling him!! LoL!! Once I saw the fish I realized the net was going to be no use so I handed the rod back to my son and I grabbed the fish by it’s mouth, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I lifited it into the boat!!!
I got an offical length measurment with my stanley tape measure in the bottom of my boat: 54″ exactly
Because of the time of the year there were quite a few boats on the river so I started asking the near by boats if anyone had a digital scale since mine only read to 25 lbs. One guy had a digital that had a 50 lb max, we tried and it flatlined!! “ERROR MAX WEIGHT EXCEEDED” I tried calling our local warden on his cell but he didn’t answer. Now given the fact that I had caught a 50 incher in 2010, and it weighed in the low 60’s I figured this one to be in the high 60’s or even bigger??? I deliberated on what I was going to do for about an hour because I didn’t want to release a “potential” state record. Eventually I said “what the heck” and released her with no official weight, only an official measurement of 54″!!!
Take a look!!! Let me know what you guys think this beast could have weighed!!! If anyone says 74 lbs or above I’m going to be very bummed!!! LoL
Date: 3/29/2013
Location: Rock River, Ft. Atkinson, WI
Rod: 6′ Medium Action St. Croix Legend Extreme
Reel: Shimano Saros 1500
Lure: 1/4 oz Odd’Ball jig tipped with a magnum fathead
Line: 6 lb test Berkley Triline XT
Attached is a Flathead to compare this too. This cat was 72 lbs 8 oz (2 lbs short of State Record) and here is the link to the page:
Well what’s everyone conclusion when comparing?