Gear Selection

  • fishfreak
    Shakopee MN
    Posts: 43

    Alright. Now that I have been doing some research looking at archived posts here and over on the team catfish site I have this question. What kind of gear does every one use and what would you recommend for me in the MN and the miss for cats?

    I like braid lines, but are they really needed? How is the team catfish mono? What length of rods would you suggest / you prefer, and reels……size, models?

    All suggestions and comments welcome. That way I can tell my wife that the catfish guys said I have to buy it…..
    I would like to stay somewhat reasonable price wise.


    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Heya! You really need to specify if you are going for channels or flats, because you need gear for both.

    As far as channels go, get a 7′ medium action rod like a Shakespeare Wildcat if you are on a budget. I have landed 15lb channel cats on one no problem. It is probably the best bang for your buck on a channel rod. I personally like ancient Mitchell 300 spinning reels, but you can go with any heavy spinning reel from Fleet Farm.

    As far as line goes, go with a heavy braid. Channels are not line shy. Some guys like mono, but I am a palomar knot guy (tie knots in the dark), and mono just really doesn’t work for that. I run 50lb Power Pro on my channel cat rigs, which may be overkill, but it is also durable and versatile.

    If you want to go for flats, that’s something that you may want to invest in some specialized gear for. A baitcaster with a clicker function and heavier braid is what you want. You can’t go wrong with Abu Garcia 6500 and up for flats.

    Others will chime too. Tons of options here.

    Again, welcome to the darkside!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    Doug has started you on the right path.

    Between options and opinions you’ll have to find the “right” gear for you.

    Some have done very well with spinning reels but most lean towards bait casters for both channels and flats. I run with Garcia 7000’s for flats and 6500’s for channels and sturgeon.

    Personally I never thought they could make a rod that would work well with channels, flats and sturgeon. Last year I tried out a number of brands and found the Team Catfish I-Cat rod would do just that. Not just get by but work very well for all three fish.

    I’ve used the Electric Lime TC Mono last year. 20 pound. I’m moving up to 25 pound this year. I like it better for visibility they Big Game but I only use it for channels and sturgeon. Admittedly, I’m a braid kinda guy. My flat reels are all spooled with 80 pound Tug O War line. Keeps it’s color nicely, casts well and doesn’t fry like some of the braids I’ve used in the past.

    Hooks? 3/0 Double Action for channels and sturgeon (treble when using Sudden Impact) all with the barbs bent down.
    Flathead and live bait get the 8/0 Super J.

    The above rigging works very well in the conditions I fish in. Heavy wood for flats and pretty much open water for channels and sturgeon.

    Most of all have some fun on your quest for the right gear for you!

    Nicolet County
    Posts: 222

    Depending on where you tend to fish, I prefer a 8-9′ medium to medium heavy action rod for bank fishing. I like the extra length because helps to get the bait out there a bit further into the current breaks from shore. The extra length also keeps more of the line out of the water, which helps keep your bait in place when fishing faster current. For boat fishing, 7′ seems to be a good length and isn’t as unwieldy when bringing a fat cat up to the boat.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    Exactly! I fall into the “cat”agory of only thinking about the way I fish…out of a boat. Short rods suck for bank fishing.

    Shakopee MN
    Posts: 43

    Thanks for all the tips and info guys, I have a pretty good idea of what I would like to get now. If I do purchase more than one outfit I will tell my wife that the IDO guys told me too.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    Cat fishermen have a 90 day rule that lasts 30 days.

    Shakopee MN
    Posts: 43

    Well folks, Happy Valentines day to me from my wife and daughter. My daughter bought me an 8′ med / hvy Ugly Stick and my wife bought me an Abu Garcia BCX 6600! Went ahead and ordered the 3/0 Team catfish double action hooks and 300 yrds of the tug o war braid in 30 lb nuclear yellow. All in all, not a bad day!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012


    Now, once you have your gear set up, let us know and we’ll send you down to Mill Ruins to break it in on some channel cats!

    The ice is normally out of there by the first week of April.

    Posts: 64

    Sounds like an good channel setup. I have a few of the 6600 reels, my bcx landed several channels over 15 lbs this past ear, and even handled some st Croix lake sturgeon. Enjoy!!

    Out of curiosity, is your ugly the catfish model (white) or the black one?

    Shakopee MN
    Posts: 43

    April sounds like a great time to not be sitting around the house!Can’t wait!

    @Nick, the rod is the white one. Is there a difference?

    I also have the 7″ casting / spinning ugly stick.

    Posts: 64

    Awesome … That white blank is very easy to see at night with a colored led on a headlamp. One of my first catfish setups was a 6600c4/ugly stick catfish 7’6″ MH. It landed lots of nice fish, flats included, and actually handled some sturgeon on the Croix as well. You will like that setup.

    Shakopee MN
    Posts: 43

    Sweet, so I’m good to go. Can’t wait to get out.

    I have a hot spot map of P4 but finding details of other spots seems to be harder to find. What do you all use for scouting the Miss?

    Posts: 64

    For shore fishing, as well as preliminarily finding some spots to fish by boat, google earth is your best friend. In the dog days of winter, pulling up google earth and doing some “scouting” in your lazy boy helps beat the cabin fever that sets in.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053


    Is this it? I’m looking for a cat pole too, with what you’ve described it sounds like a good one for me.

    The 6600 is a baitcaster, so that isn’t the exact setup, but for 40.00, that will serve you well for cats. The Alpha reels are some of the biggest ones Shakespeare makes. Be nice if it was an Alpha rod too, though.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    I can’t seem to work a baitcaster, I just ordered Shakespeare MH 7ft cat spinning for 40 on amazon. This will be my first cat pole.

    Shakopee MN
    Posts: 43

    Sounds like a good set up for you. It took some practice to learn my other baitcaster and i still working with them. I hear my new one is a bit easier so we will see. Good thing a cat rig does not need to be cast a country mile.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    Nice way to greet me at the door after a long day at work. Just need to put some line on her and watch out Kitties

    Shakopee MN
    Posts: 43

    good to see……it’s
    almost here! This bloody cold has got to give sometime.

    Flathead Fever
    robbinsdale mn
    Posts: 165

    I just picked up a ugly stic tiger.
    also a large tackel bag with 7 plastic containers for 39.99 on sale was 69.99 from Cabels. Now time to order bait caster reel off ebay. okuma xp 302

    Shakopee MN
    Posts: 43

    I cant wait to get out. Looks like there will be a few of us christening our new tackle this spring!

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