Personally I think this might be one of the best years the sturgeon folk have had.
The forks haven’t let loose and that means clear(er) water, less debris and somewhat more stable levels.
Good Luck you guys…and check that boat registration!
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Fishing by Species » Catfish & Sturgeon » Will there be a Sturgeon Excursion for 2013?
Personally I think this might be one of the best years the sturgeon folk have had.
The forks haven’t let loose and that means clear(er) water, less debris and somewhat more stable levels.
Good Luck you guys…and check that boat registration!
Personally I think this might be one of the best years the sturgeon folk have had.
Until Pug arrives and jinxes everything.
Personally I think this might be one of the best years the sturgeon folk have had.
That first year I went was similar to this. Late ice and we had to trailer way up river to put in. We caught and saw a lot of great fish caught that year. Good luck everyone, bring home lots of pics and stories.
Good Luck you guys…and check that boat registration!
Shoot; another task before the trip
Thanks for the reminder
Jeff, are you going up? If so, when?
I am going to have to do a roll call soon for people going up next weekend. I got a tag. I hope to bring a 65″+ home with me. Got to stock up for the summer like Yukon Men.
I haven’t checked the laws up there but doesn’t it have to be a +70″?
I haven’t checked the laws up there but doesn’t it have to be a +70″?
Even better
Pug, I highly recommend River Bend. Paul, the owner, is a great guy and will do what he can to get you on some fish. Plus he has a guide there that’s been fishing sturgeon up there for what seems like his whole life.
What are their grill set ups for the cabins? Gas/charcoal?
Not sure. I’ve only camped there and rented a sleeper. I’d suggest eating at their bar. They’ve been widely complimented for their food. And I concur. Get the EJ Beni for breakfast.
Its going to be a long week. This time next week I will not be very productive as I eyeball the clock all morning.
Matt, do you know if they have wifi at Riverbend resort?
I don’t recall, but would guess that they don’t.
If you’re worried about phone data, you should be able to pick up a local tower up there.
When are you leaving to head up?
We leave Thursday early afternoon. I was hoping for Wifi in the lodge at least.
One of the resorts near there must have it and accessible in their lodge. Otherwise I am going to have to get an app to bypass Verizon’s lock down on the tethering feature.
I was hoping to maybe do a Google Hangout every day if anyone was interested in a quick report. No biggie. No one probably will give a rip and I probably won’t want to bother with it.
Using Tmobile we connected to a Canadian tower…which means an extra per minute charge.
My Verizon phone tried to connect to Canadian towers last fall on the river up there and winter on rainy and low.
Forecast keeps getting better. I might need to bring some shorts.
A slight chance of showers. Partly sunny, with a high near 50.
Friday Night A slight chance of showers. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 33.
Saturday A slight chance of showers. Partly sunny, with a high near 52.
Saturday Night A chance of showers. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 36.
Sunday A slight chance of showers. Partly sunny, with a high near 57.
Might have to extend it a little into Sunday.
My group will be up Thursday out of Wigwam.
Nice to meet you guys up there! I never did catch a sturgeon, but I did manage to get drunk multiple times so all was not lost. Let’s get after some cats and green label one of these days and set the trees on fire.
The forecast lies! It was supposed to sunny with 9 mph winds when I was up there. Thursday was a blizzard that went from Cannon Falls to URL which made for a 10+ hour drive. it turned out the weather was so messed up. raining, snowing sleeting, wind. What a dang mess. Friday was very windy, Saturday was the nicest day of all, but cold at night, sunday was miserable, rain, sleet, freezing rain, windy, cold. Yuck. Best part of sunday was pulling the anchor up for the last time. Here’s to the weather and all the sturgeon that ignored my bait
HAHA DeanO you were a blast!! We are heading back up Friday for a redemption run… Rob, Katmando, and I will be out of Wigwam again in the big room.
Arriving later Friday night (10ish) and we are just gonna put the boat in before checking in.
See you on the water!
The forecast lies! It was supposed to sunny with 9 mph winds when I was up there. Thursday was a blizzard that went from Cannon Falls to URL which made for a 10+ hour drive. it turned out the weather was so messed up. raining, snowing sleeting, wind. What a dang mess. Friday was very windy, Saturday was the nicest day of all, but cold at night, sunday was miserable, rain, sleet, freezing rain, windy, cold. Yuck. Best part of sunday was pulling the anchor up for the last time. Here’s to the weather and all the sturgeon that ignored my bait
One thing I have learned after going up there for a number of years now is that the forecast is always messed up. Still hard not to have a good time up there.
We are heading back up Friday for a redemption run… Rob, Katmando, and I will be out of Wigwam again in the big room.
Arriving later Friday night (10ish) and we are just gonna put the boat in before checking in.
Good luck Jakob and crew. Wish I could meet you guys up there as I need redemption myself. Maybe the Croix will pop my cherry.
We were up there and fished Friday and Saturday… Friday was pretty brutal, and very windy but we managed to boat fish, and Saturday was much better weather, and yes if anyone heard of the boat with people jumping into the water.. That may have been someone in our group.
Between 4 of us fishing we boated 21 Sturgeon, and 1 sucker. Biggest were 2 55″s, and then we had 4 right at the 50″ mark.
We stayed at Slims, and were very happy with the place (minus the road in). Very nice cabins, and great people
Good luck to you guys heading up this weekend. That weather forecast looks fantastic. For some reason those sturgeon seem to be fair weather fish. Not sure how they can even tell what the weather is laying on the bottom. Bright sunny warm days really seems to get them turned on. Its just plain great fishing weather to.
Good luck up there.
I packed 1 pair of short. I am going to break them out at some point to celebrate spring. Probably not in the boat though.
I brought the laptop and set up PDANet on the phone, so I hope to have daily updates. I also may have Brian throw a UStream live feed up there at some point. The nephew bought a GoPro as well.
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