MN DNR Asking for Input Catfish/Sturgeon

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002


    Flathead catfish populations are very vulnerable to harvest during the winter season. This species takes many years to grow to trophy sizes and can be easily overharvested if not protected. Staff are proposing a winter closure to protect this species.

    The sturgeon populations are doing very well in Minnesota waters. Data shows that these populations are well into recovery on systems like the Red, Rainy, and Mississippi rivers. The populations are such that staff would like to consider opening up C&R fishing year-round for them. This would provide for additional fishing opportunities for this very unique fish.

    Border Water Regulations
    Annual meetings are held with each of the various border states and Canada to discuss the regulations on those water bodies that are shared. Each state shares their data on the fisheries in these waters and reviews the regulations that have been established to manage them. The goal is to make as many regulations as possible consistent between states/nations based on the best biology, or to at least simplify the rules for anglers and improve enforcement. The changes being proposed are those that either were previously agreed to by the states, or will make them consistent.

    Public comment. Interested persons or groups may submit comments or information on these possible rules in writing or orally until 4:30 pm Monday, February 11, 2013. The DNR does not anticipate appointing an advisory committee of comment on the possible rules.

    Rules Draft The DNR has not yet prepared a draft of the possible rules amendments or repeals and does not anticipate that a draft of the rules will b available before the publication of the proposed rules.

    Agency Contact Person. Written or oral comments, questions, requests to receive a draft of the rules when it has been prepared, and requests for more information on these possible rules should be directed to:

    Linda Erickson-Eastwood
    Department of Natural Resources
    500 Lafayette Road, Box 20
    St Paul, MN 55155-4020
    Telephone: 651-259-5206


    Posts: 1009


    I would say close the season on the river but then that opens talks of closing the season for walleyes too…

    I say dont try and fix something that aint broken!

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001



    I would say close the season on the river but then that opens talks of closing the season for walleyes too…

    I say dont try and fix something that aint broken!

    Exactly, there are so few people that fish catfish down here in the winter that it is a waste of taxpayers money to pursue this. I haven’t seen one in years.
    If the season is closed it should probably remained closed til after the catfish spawn.
    If the season is closed does that mean the commercial guys cannot trap catfish anymore?

    I have many questions and suspicions.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002


    based on the best biology

    Gun, since walleyes and sauger are not dormant in the winter and the biologist say the W/S fishery is thriving there wouldn’t be a need to consider closing the walleye season on the river.

    You’re like me in looking at the area we fish and how the changes would effect us. The flathead catfish closing is for the whole state of MN and not just the Mississippi River.

    They are dormant and can easily be exploited. I’ll go further and say the flathead fishery or more specifically, the Trophy Flathead fishery could be hurt. I believe it has been hurt by winter time snagging in my/your area.

    It’s already illegal to snag and keep a fish. Poachers will be poachers. This will make it illegal to possess a fish which will make it pretty easy for the CO’s to enforce.

    With all the video on YouTube and the papers done on wintering flats, this is a no brainer in my little mind.

    Now the year round Lake Sturgeon Catch & Release rule bothers me somewhat.

    Since Lake Sturgeon don’t spawn each year and they are so slow growing, I’m concerned about fishing them during the spawn. I don’t have enough info on this, but I plan on finding out.

    Unless something changes in the Mississippi River Fishery, closing the walleye/sauger season isn’t even on the table. If there was an issue, both DNR’s would enact an emergency rule and close it tomorrow.

    That said, I’m not the DNR.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    If they don’t bite, what’s the problem with it being closed Lenny?

    I haven’t talked with all the commercial fishermen, but the ones I have talked with don’t target flats in the winter. It raises heck with their nets.

    They are using gill nets in the summer catching them.

    As far as keeping it closed until after spawn, since they spread out from their wintering holes and cover wide areas of the rivers and since it hasn’t effected them in the past, it’s not a concern.

    Really the only people that will be effected by this rule change are the poachers.

    The DNR does want to hear all opinions that are concerned.

    Linda Erickson-Eastwood

    Department of Natural Resources

    500 Lafayette Road, Box 20

    St Paul, MN 55155-4020

    Telephone: 651-259-5206

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    There are other regs that are being looked at as well, barbless hooks, trout and netting that there might be of interest as well.


    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    So, according to the studies, flatheads start to go dormant when the water temps get into the 50s so I assume the Mn DNR is thinking of shutting the fishing down when the water temp is traditional falls below 60 degrees and not opening it again til the water temp traditionally rises above 60 degrees.
    Since this will be a statewide regulation We will have to consider the water temp in the northwoods.

    How late in the year does the water temp rise above 60 on LOW or Rainy? I would say the season would have to be closed til mid June and close again by mid OCtober.

    Wow, this sounds like a good idea to me.

    Email sent.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    Last I heard there wasn’t any Flats North of Mpls/St Paul (approximately).

    I think they/we are looking at 40 degrees. Really, I don’t know anyone that calls themselves a catfisherman that targets flats in cold water. This rule change is more about stopping poachers in my opinion.

    This is why they are taking comments, they would like to hear everyone opinion that is a stakeholder.

    Posts: 94

    Is there actually a significant winter flathead cat harvest happening? Is this for just a couple people that do this or are there really that many people out harvesting wintering flats? I understand and agree with the sentiment here but is it necessary and will it make a noticeable impact to close the winter season? I generally question any new regulation for anything, even when I agree with it.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    I think this is just to bring flats in line with other species (walleyes, bass, etc.) that are specifically protected during times deemed detrimental to the populations.

    Like BK said, you’ll be hard pressed to find a guy that targets flats in the winter. Anyone who is specifically doing it is likely using illegal techniques anyway (snagging), so why not have one more layer of protection?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    Slight correction…hard press finding anyone that calls themselves a catfisherman…

    One the water I’m familiar with, generally we’ll see people that are targeting other fish and happen to catch a flat in a wintering hole. They think it’s their lucky day and continue to fish that area in hopes of snagging another weeks worth of dinner. Yes, just like snagging other fish they end up going home because a CO can’t prove it’s snagged once in the boat…just like eye/saugers.

    If there are people watching TIP seldom if ever gets a call for one of two reasons. Either others aren’t aware they are being snagged or they don’t care…it’s only a catfish.

    As far as going out a targeting them, we’ll seldom see that on line, but every once in a while someone will post pics of flats being caught through the ice. It’s odd those videos disappear shortly after being posted.

    Ferryville WI
    Posts: 53

    WI River my home water protects them

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    Wise folk in that part of WI.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Got an Updated Email from the MnDNR Friday


    DNR seeks input on possible trout, sturgeon,
    flathead and other angling changes
    Interested citizens have until Monday, Feb. 11, to comment on Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) considerations to provide more angler opportunity for trout and sturgeon, protect flathead catfish during winter and possibly change some other fisheries rules.
    For trout, DNR is considering possible rules that:
    • Simplify trout fishing regulations in southeastern Minnesota by dropping the barbless hook restriction (research has demonstrated that hooking mortality is not significantly greater with a barb);
    • Extend the end of the fall catch-and-release season on all designated trout streams in southeastern Minnesota from Sept. 30 to Oct. 15;
    • Allow catch-and-release angling on designated trout streams in some southeastern Minnesota state parks from Oct. 15 to Dec. 31; and
    • Open some lakes in Becker, Beltrami, Cass, Crow Wing and Hubbard counties to winter trout fishing.
    Prompted by the successful recovery efforts of the sturgeon populations in the Red, Rainy, St. Croix and St. Louis rivers, DNR is considering the possibility of a catch-and-release sturgeon season on water bodies not currently open to sturgeon fishing.
    DNR is considering possibly closing the taking of flathead catfish in winter. Because it takes many years for flathead to grow to trophy size of 50 pounds or more, these fish easily could be overharvested when lethargic in cold weather.
    Other possible changes could place some restrictions on smelt harvest in Pine County’s Grindstone Lake and implement additional whitefish netting restrictions to better control the possibility of spreading invasive species.
    DNR is seeking initial public comments on these ideas so that those comments can be considered and used to help inform DNR fisheries staff about how to move forward.
    Comments, questions and requests for more information should be directed to Linda Erickson-Eastwood at 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, 55155-4020. Citizens also may call 651-259-5206.
    Complete information about the comment process is available online at

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
    [email protected]

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