First Time Fishing The Mississippi River

  • bret_clark
    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Promising to get good friend Mike out on the Mississippi River fishing we finally made it to the water Friday after work. Mike has never fished the river nor has he fished for Channel Cats.

    With the cat bite still being better than average I was praying all day that we might get him a couple whiskered swimmers his first trip out. What better way to break someone in and give there pipes a work out than playing tug-a-war with cats?

    Team Catfish made this an event full evening. Secret-7 put 3 nice cats on the end of Mike’s fishing rod in short order, each growing in size making for a first with 2 personal best Channels following in line.

    Day light hours I have been finding the Channel cats in 20-30fow and before dark 12-16fow. After Mike experienced the first slam that only a cat can create there was no getting the fishing rod out of his hands

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    There’s a Sudden Impact smile.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 965

    Is that Secret 7 on his chin? Way to go Mike – you are no longer a Misssissippi Catfish Virgin I sure hope he didn’t make you drink an Old Style when you lost your virginity.

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