Yes, yes… still alive.
Been out from shore a bunch this year with little success. Lots of action, but very few hookups and those have been small. But the old ‘toon is ready to go and I’ll be hitting the water any minute now.
Gonna go try my Pool 2 high-water hot spots… can’t wait to get back out on the water!
I’ve missed you guys… with the wife battling Lyme disease and the kid being a toddler and now pre-school age it’s been crazy around here. Every time I land a fish I find myself thinking thinking “I wonder what the catfish forum guys would say!” But I’ve been spread too thin and just haven’t had time for everything I’d like to.
That said, I’m determined to get out more this year (and have been succeeding at it!) so being back and active on IDO is a bigger deal for me. I really do love this site and miss the friends I’ve made here over the last few years.
Anywho, I’m freeeeeekin back and I’ll see y’all on the water!