nice evening of cat fishing

  • Whiskerkev
    Posts: 3835

    It has been tough to get out this summer. My son Jonas had his tonsils out a week and a half a go and it has been tough in our house since. My friend got called in to work who I was planning on fishing with so I decided to go it alone tonight. The fireworks going off around the lake a band playing at the Union. The highlight of the evening was the fish I lost. It took a chunk of cut sucker in broad daylight and ran like a thief. I couldn’t slow it down and it eventually got me down to near the end of my line and popped the hook. I wish I could have seen that one. A couple fatties did make it to the boat however. A 30.5 x 20 and a 31 x 19 are pigs anywhere. I’m heading to Milwaukee later today to see about some kings.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Nice fish Kev! Bet you’ll be kicking yourself about the one that escaped for awhile!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hope Jonas is feeling better.

    Nice pics Kev! Hope you get a checkmate with those kings!

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    Kevin – I’ve been wondering where you have been. I’ve got 162.5 King of the Cats Channel Cat points on the Leaderboard and looking for you in the rear view mirror. It is time for you to start catfishing. Catch me if you can. I’ve put three nice fish on the board.

    Posts: 284

    They’re so cute I want one as a pet.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    They’re so cute I want one as a pet.

    Which one, Steve or Kev? I don’t think Kev would make a good pet, and the cage would be very expensive. But you are right about them being cute

    Nice fish guys

    Posts: 3835

    Nice fish Steve. I did wonder if that was you on the leaderboard. The weather and circumstances have put me behind this year. I intend to remedy that next week as I am on staycation. the fish I lost last week was an absolute monster. I haven’t even come close to getting spooled around here in 10 years and I know where she lives now. We had an excellent time fishing Kings yesterday and Saturday nearly limiting both days. I am lucky to have friends like Joel Ballweg and John Schultz. I have close to 40lbs of salmon fillets to eat and share in my freezer. I am sure Joel will post some pictures and a report soon.

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