Just another internet hoax
Once upon atime there were two catfisherman who,
while walking along the banks of the river came upon a dirty lamp,
The first catfisherman rubbed the lamp and out popped a giant catfishgenie who granted the fisherman three wishes.
*The first wish was for the two catfishermen to have the river all to themselves.
The catfishgenie granted them a watch and told them to fish when the clock strikes ten.
**The second wish was for the catfishermen to have a forum of thier own on IDO.
The catfishgenie granted them a Brian, who would tout the great fish throught the forums.
***The third wish of the catfisherman was to rid the waters of the great white tip carp and all those who seek them.
The catfishgenie genie granted them two bullheads, and exclaimed to the catfisherman, use them as you please because now, you are dreaming!!!!!