what to look for

  • moosemj
    Fox River, NE IL
    Posts: 121

    For the most part around here the only reason we use bluegill is because they are the most readily available, but otherwise most of the guys I know rather use something else.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 578


    For the most part around here the only reason we use bluegill is because they are the most readily available, but otherwise most of the guys I know rather use something else.

    Don’t understate the value of bluegills – they’re the most reliably great flathead bait. Love the bullheads in warm water, but in the 5 or 6 years I religiously used both, there wasn’t a clear advantage either way except that the gills work in cold water. Whatever else they’re wishing they had available, bluegills are no step down.

    Fox River, NE IL
    Posts: 121

    It doesn’t have much to do with whether or not they catch fish because everything I have used does that, it has only to do with how hardy they are. In my observation they just don’t stay active as long and once they are hit they are done, some other baits you can keep on using and they seem to last longer even after being hit. Believe me I use them probably 90% of the time I would just like some more options at times, especially when I am getting low on bait and want something to stay alive a while.

    The other thing I don’t like about using bluegill is that they are persued by other anglers for sport and food and I like using the larger ones that they target. I rather use something like a baby carp or even drum that is a juvenile as opposed to an adult reproducing bluegill. Just a little conervation minded bait concern.

    What I don’t like about bullheads is at times they can lay down and not be as active as I would like. Occasionally you have to pop the rod a little bit to get them moving again.

    Sorry about the longish post, I just really love talking baits!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012


    I haven’t taken a pole but I would say the most popular flat baits in our (MN) area are:

    1. Bullies
    2. White Suckers
    3. Creek Chubs

    Chubs seem to be more popular early in the season. This might be because of availability.

    Cut sucker early and late in the year seems to be another trend.

    Moose, bullies and suckers need a little pull on the line occasionally. Are you saying Sheephead and Carp do not?

    We can’t use Carp for bait. In fact I think I could get a ticket just for thinking about it. LOL! I’ve used cut sheepshead a few times without much success, but I’ll also admit I might not have caught anything with other baits either.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Creek Chubs are awesome pike bait too!

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 578


    In my observation they just don’t stay active as long and once they are hit they are done, some other baits you can keep on using and they seem to last longer even after being hit.

    This is definitely true. Bullheads can catch you three fish and still be out there wiggling, especially if you lip hook them. I’ve caught multiple cats on bullheads many many times. To me it’s a tradeoff between the hardiness of bullheads (especially advantageous if you’re storing bait) and the easy availability of bluegills. You can catch bluegills enough for bait in half an hour on the day you catfish. For me bullheads are their own trip, which may or may not be successful enough to get me enough bait to store.

    Also – and this is big for me – baitfishing keeps me in touch with what’s going on with the bait population on the waters I catfish. I set up with bait in mind 100% of the time. When the cats are feeding well it may seem haphazard, but cats move with purpose between where they rest and where they feed. I want to be on that route! Knowing as much as possible about where bait are congregated helps my catfishing.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012


    I set up with bait in mind 100% of the time

    Although your State starts just across the River, you are in another world. (using bait from the same water you caught them in)

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 578

    So those MN cats behave according to different priorities?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    No probably not.

    Our DNR feels that we shouldn’t use game fish for bait and even if we catch a sucker in the Mississippi, we can’t cut it up and use it for bait…even if it’s in the same water we caught it in. See? Different world.

    Good news is…we’re just waiting for Gov. Dayton to sign the game and fish bill. Then at least we’ll be able to do that.
    I have to dig a bit, but I think we’re allow to snag shad. If so, (once the law is signed) we’ll be able to use them legally…as long as we don’t take them home and bring them back.

    Rick Streiff
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 109

    That would be nice to be able to use cut bait on the river i know that i’ve used mooneye as cut bait and man do the channels love them but i didn’t know until now that i couldn’t use them on the Mississippi all i knew was we couldn’t use carp in anyway shape or form or any other game fish

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 172

    So, I am just lost for reasoning on the Minn. DNR’s part. I am not familiar with Minn. fishing laws at all but I am gathering some insight on this thread.

    So, if you’re fishing the Mississppi in Minnesota, you CANNOT use cut bait that was taken from the Mississppi? How about a carp or sucker taken from a different body of water? If that’s also a no-no, what ‘cut bait’ would be legal?

    Just sounds to me like there are some legislators up their that aren’t fishermen. Or the folks that write the laws in the DNR aren’t fishermen. I didn’t think that was poosible…a non fisherman in Minnesota. I sure hope you all get the rules straightened out. Sounds to me like your catfish potential is in dire straights.

    Of course, who goes to Minnesota to fish for cat fish.That seems to be a common problem all over the US…catfish just aren’t considered ‘game fish’ or not looked at the same as Bass and Walleyes…YET. Tournaments keep getting bigger and have better sponsors now. It’ll get there, but it’s going to take some work and time.

    Good luck with your ‘bait’ delema. Keep at it. I’m glad we don’t have such narrow minded people writting our fishing laws.


    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053


    So, if you’re fishing the Mississppi in Minnesota, you CANNOT use cut bait that was taken from the Mississppi? How about a carp or sucker taken from a different body of water? If that’s also a no-no, what ‘cut bait’ would be legal?

    We cannot use carp at all, ever. We CAN use suckers or bullheads taken from a different body of water, as long as it is designated as non-infested, and we follow the size restrictions and transport them live in a bucket of water taken from melting glacial waters of the Himalyas.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012


    Of course, who goes to Minnesota to fish for cat fish.

    That is the problem. It wasn’t until the last few years that we could have ANY input in the laws (we still don’t have much).
    With all the other special species interests out there, the cat fisherman was left in the dark so to speak.

    Kudos to the MN DNR for letting us bend their ear. Unfortunately these other groups aren’t as willing to listen when what they want hurts our ability to fish or catch bait.
    Most of them don’t have a clue of what we do and the closer we get to the MN walleye “group” the less they want to know.

    From my experience and in my opinion.

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