MN DNR – Treble Hook >>Legal<<

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    From an email from the MN DNR…

    There is a new rule and here is our (MN DNR) attempt at explaining it for the 2012 fishing regulations:

    · Single Tackle Configuration. Anglers may use up to three single or multiple hooks on a line used as a single tackle configuration attached to the end of a fishing line (Examples – crawler harness, quick-strike rig) ). Note: a single tackle configuration cannot be used on designated trout streams and lakes.

    o The total length of the single tackle configuration must be nine inches or less

    o Anglers may use live, artificial, preserved, or dead bait that is lawful to use (see pages 11-12).

    o A single tackle configuration is not considered an artificial fly or lure.

    Let us know if you have questions.


    DNR Information Center

    500 Lafayette Rd

    St. Paul, MN 55155-4040



    I asked when this took effect?

    “It took effect November 1, 2011. I don’t recall seeing any news release about it, but it should probably be announced sometime soon.”

    DNR Information Center

    500 Lafayette Rd

    St. Paul, MN 55155-4040



    ************END OF EMAIL**********

    AND KUDOS the Mr. or Ms DNR INFO!

    I sent this email off this afternoon and had a response about 4pm…sent the follow up email and it was back to me DANG fast!

    Central, MN
    Posts: 478

    So I am still confused. Can I use a trebal hook with a minow without a lure blade? Like a Hook, Line, Sinker, Bobber configuration. I know in the past this was a no no.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988


    Can I use a trebal hook with a minow without a lure blade?

    Short answer…yes!

    They might need to work on the wording a bit yet. LOL!

    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    sooo my crawler harness has to be 9 inches or less??? not happenin.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    So, if I understand you correctly, this now makes a crawler harness having three trebble hooks on it (spaced not to exceed 9 inches) – legal now in MN. Correct?
    Or am I missing something????

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988


    this now makes a crawler harness having three trebble hooks on it (spaced not to exceed 9 inches) – legal now in MN. Correct?

    Yep, definitely need to work on the wording of this.

    Not correct- Must be 3 single hooks for a worm harness.

    The following is the actual law the way it’s written:


    Subp. 6. Angling tackle

    A. An angler may have up to three single or multiple hooks on a line used as a single tackle configuration attached to the end of a fishing line. The total configuration from the first hook to the last hook must be nine inches or less. Live, artificial, preserved, or dead bait is allowed. This configuration is not considered an artificial bait or fly.

    B. An angler may have one additional single or multiple hook on a line as part of and artificial bait as long s it is within three inches of the artificial bait. (Stinger Hooks)

    C. Talks about not being allowed on trout streams.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988


    sooo my crawler harness has to be 9 inches or less??? not happenin.

    Since worm harnesses were totally illegal before, using a 9 incher now isn’t going to make a difference for some.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 478

    Wow… Thank you for the reply.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046



    sooo my crawler harness has to be 9 inches or less??? not happenin.

    Since worm harnesses were totally illegal before, using a 9 incher now isn’t going to make a difference for some.


    A. An angler may have up to three single or multiple hooks on a line used as a single tackle configuration attached to the end of a fishing line. The total configuration from the first hook to the last hook must be nine inches or less.

    the leader can be as long as you like. its only the hooks that cannot be more than 9 inches apart.

    thats how i read it anyways.

    on another note – does this now mean we can use a dubuque rig legally??

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988


    its only the hooks that cannot be more than 9 inches apart.

    I was sitting here wondering if I should google crawler lenghts. I thought crawlers can’t be much over nine inches. LOL!


    does this now mean we can use a dubuque rig legally??

    If your talking about a three way set up and replacing the weight with a hook/lure…I would say not unless it’s border waters. That would be the same as running two lines.

    Time for a disclaimer!

    I’m not with the DNR! Just my interpretation.

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    Honestly I have used a 2 hook harness with a 8/0 and a 6/0 6 inches away for years with no blades or beads for flatheads and the dnr has made me pull my rig out many a times to look at what I got on the end of my line and they have never said a word about it being illegal. I guess now I’m “legal”.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    I’ve used stinger hook ever since Dad “invented” them out the bread bag wire ties too.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 53


    There is a new rule and here is our (MN DNR) attempt at explaining it for the 2012 fishing regulations:

    · Single Tackle Configuration. Anglers may use up to three single or multiple hooks on a line used as a single tackle configuration attached to the end of a fishing line (Examples – crawler harness, quick-strike rig) ). Note: a single tackle configuration cannot be used on designated trout streams and lakes.

    o The total length of the single tackle configuration must be nine inches or less

    o Anglers may use live, artificial, preserved, or dead bait that is lawful to use (see pages 11-12).

    o A single tackle configuration is not considered an artificial fly or lure.

    Let us know if you have questions.

    DNR Information Center
    500 Lafayette Rd
    St. Paul, MN 55155-4040

    I asked when this took effect?

    “It took effect November 1, 2011. I don’t recall seeing any news release about it, but it should probably be announced sometime soon.”

    DNR Information Center
    500 Lafayette Rd
    St. Paul, MN 55155-4040

    AND KUDOS the Mr. or Ms DNR INFO!
    I sent this email off this afternoon and had a response about 4pm…sent the follow up email and it was back to me DANG fast!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    My thoughts exactly.

    The only question I have remaining is…what took so long?

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    So until now a double or triple hook crawler harness was illegal? People have been using that forever. As far as I can tell the only thing I see different is that a guy can use just a treble now and be legal.

    Why dont they just do us all a favor and post pictures of what they call legal or illegal. Cause its obvious they have a damn robot writing the laws

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    I did send a link to this thread to the DNR. It might help them with ironing out the confusion of the wording.

    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    Since worm harnesses were totally illegal before, using a 9 incher now isn’t going to make a difference for some.

    To clarify, crawler harnesses were not illegal prior as long as there was a blade in front of rig.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    It’d be nice if a Alabama rig was classified as “A single tackle configuration is not considered an artificial fly or lure”.

    I am being facetious, but by this definition a crankbait would be illegal having 2 trebles (6 hooks)? Makes me wonder is there anything in the regs that addresses using crankbaits with multiple trebles?

    I can be so difficult at times.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    That is correct Rangerski. I wonder how many if any tickets were given out if there wasn’t a spinner.

    Either way, no more nonsense in getting around the silly law.

    Pug, stick baits follow the “lure” law. Like a stick bait, the worm harness becomes a “lure” with a spinner attached and was allowed to have more then one hook.

    Ditto with stink or dip bait tubes.

    Hey, I just fish here.

    Posts: 3835

    What a coup. now Pug has two more hooks to not catch any fish from.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988


    What a coup. now Pug has two more hooks to not catch any fish from.

    I wanted to say that but didn’t want to hurt his feelings any more then I have already.

    Posts: 4941


    Honestly I have used a 2 hook harness with a 8/0 and a 6/0 6 inches away for years with no blades or beads for flatheads and the dnr has made me pull my rig out many a times to look at what I got on the end of my line and they have never said a word about it being illegal

    Can this set up be used for sturgeon?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    On border waters using one rod.

    St Croixer and I did this a couple years ago. The hooks were a little further apart than 6 inches.

    Unfortunately for St Croixer, it’s easy to forget about the second hook and he became my first and only (to date) guest hooking accident.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    What a coup. now Pug has two more hooks to not catch any fish from.

    I catch hooks from fish?

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691



    Honestly I have used a 2 hook harness with a 8/0 and a 6/0 6 inches away for years with no blades or beads for flatheads and the dnr has made me pull my rig out many a times to look at what I got on the end of my line and they have never said a word about it being illegal

    Can this set up be used for sturgeon?

    Sure could but one hook is all you need for sturgy.
    It’s a little different when you have a 10 inch bully on compared to 5 crawlers and a fathead.

    Posts: 4941

    How about two hooks below a threeway swivel,and your slip sinker above the swivel.

    Nicolet County
    Posts: 222

    I was tying 2 hook stinger rigs to use heavy suckers and bullies this summer and the blade I added to make it “legal” was more trouble than it was worth. The blade and beads were always getting tangled. Finally Minnesota is taking some baby steps to having some sensible fishing regs. Now for the 2 rod rule on the rivers…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    How about two hooks below a threeway swivel,and your slip sinker above the swivel.

    I’m guessing (which probably makes you wonder why I am bothering with a reply), but I think that the wording means all the hooks have to be attached to 1 line. So I think no.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    Bump for Sgt Rock.

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