Barge rules

  • katmando
    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    What are some of the night time barge rules, I was out on the Minnesota on Saturday night and I was tied of about 10 ft from the bank on the inside of a turn and had a barge come by us maybe 10 ft away, we had anchor lights on but I decided to flash the front end of the barge, not the cab to make sure he saw us and they got on there loud speaker saying something like I don’t think you should shine us with the spot for some reason or another.
    Just wondering what kind of rules they have on the river around barges I know when I’m on pool 2 I just stay away but it’s harder on the mn

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Barges have the right away over everything….My recommendation……get out of their way

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Does it really mater what rules they have. Think I would give them the right of way. Right or wrong a barge can not turn, stop or even come close to maneuvering like a fishing boat. You might be in the right but then again it doesnt really matter what you are while traveling under a barge.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    since they are such big bullies… hit em with the spot after they are well by…

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    You weigh maybe 3000#. The barge probably weighs 200,000#. Me personally, I would have moved. 10′ is WAY to close for my comfort. He has right of weigh.

    arcadia wi,
    Posts: 213

    them and when they shine that big spotlite on your azz you will no doubt get a sunburn give them all the room they want

    Posts: 1501

    Never argue with a barge.

    It’s a bummer when you have to move, but just for a second think about what it takes to maneuver those beasts around the river and put yourself in their shoes.

    Nothing but respect for those guys and I steer as clear as I can.

    Not saying you disrespected him at all or did anything wrong, but I think they legally have the right of way over everything.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Actually, they don’t “always” have the right of way, but in the scenario you’ve described they would.

    I wasn’t there, but I would have been a little perturbed that he could get on the horn to tell you not to shine the light but didn’t think that maybe he should have warned you(?).

    I would be lost without my marine radio on the ‘sippi at night. Not only for locking but making sure the tow operators know how I’m planning on going around them and getting instructions from them.

    10 feet sounds a bit more then dicey to me!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Barges scare me. Especially when they are coming downstream.

    My nephew and I were on a spot and then moved. Not long after a barge came moving upstream, and since we were on shore before, I would have never imagined that thing coming within 20′ of that spot like it did.

    Had we not moved, I would have had dirty underwear. Well, dirtier underwear.

    Posts: 1767

    I’m guessing that we saw the same one. I was communicating with him over the radio and gave him a heads up that there was a pleasure craft on the south side of the river up stream. (Might have been you)
    He was running singles 4 long… that’s a tough long run on the MN. They try to give space when able… but its tough with some of the tows they carry. A radio is a very handy tool… or be ready to move. You don’t want to shine them as it messes up night vision. Did you guys tough it out in the rain all night?

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    Now I know barges have the right away the way he was angled at first looked like he was gonna stay a distance then stArted to angle towards us so we shined him and he seemed to wanna get closer
    O well just wondering why he got on the loud speaker and told us it wasn’t a good idea to shine his rig

    No flatheads either that night had 2 by the side of the boat then both decided to go back into the logs. My buddy did land a big 44 inch pike of a bullhead at about midnight though

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    Larry my guess it wasn’t us he was running 4 deep 2 wide and empty
    Just north of the launch by blackdog

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    And it never rained on us one bit but it sure was chilly that night

    Cudahy, Wis.
    Posts: 936

    You know the “old saying” : money talks bull$–t walks !!

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    What channel on the marine radio do the barges use?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Channel 13.

    When calling a 14.

    Many of them will monitor 16, 14 and 13.

    I’ll call for them on 14 mentioning that I’m on 14, then if no answer I’ll try 13.

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 48

    barges scare the crap out of me but so do dams. I saw some people the other day pulling there kids on a tube in the middle of the main channel in heavy traffic that also included a barge. I don’t really have any spots that are too close to barge traffic.

    we had one blast its horn at us to move when I was in Virginia because he felt we were to close to the channel. trying to pull in 10 poles and an anchor in a short period to avoid getting hit by a barge is no fun.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Few years back I was guiding a young couple and we were anchored at the entrance to a cut.

    The tow pulled up about 75 feet in front of us blocking off our up stream exit. It was empty and they rode very high in the water making them that much more intimidating. I was amazed at how quiet it was. Had it not been for the trees breaking, I might not have noticed it until I looked behind us.

    Just as I was going to jump on the radio to let him know we were there, a deckhand with a fishing pole came over to our side and said “Bet we scared the everlivingcrapoutta you huh?”

    Really the tow itself didn’t scare me as I knew there was another one coming down stream. When two tows meet one will move over to “the wall” until the one heading down stream passes.

    I was more worried about the trees this guy could have broken off and sent into our little shoot. When they pulled out I had the motor running and both hands on the anchor rope for a retreat out be back.

    I’m sure my customers will never forget that “adventure”.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Then last week there was a tow waiting to lock through #3. He was parked just up stream of Everts.

    I’m not sure if there was wood in the water or he was clearing the shore line, but when he left there was a mine field of tooth picks and logs with that freshly cut color in the channel. Those props and their wash is nothing to screw with!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Navigation rules Part B, Subpart 1, Rule #9 Narrow Channels

    Inland only

    Part B

    A vessel of less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel that can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway.

    Part C

    A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating with in a narrow channel or fairway.

    Part D

    A vessel shall not cross a narrow channel or fairway if such crossing impedes the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only with in that channel or fairway.

    But Im sure all of you boat owners all ready new all of this.

    Posts: 1767


    What channel on the marine radio do the barges use?

    On the MN hail them on 16 and request a channel to transfer to. They operate on 78 and 75 usually. The mississippi they prefer lower channels. Every area is different…. Thats why I hail and ask them.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010



    What channel on the marine radio do the barges use?

    On the MN hail them on 16 and request a channel to transfer to. They operate on 78 and 75 usually. The mississippi they prefer lower channels. Every area is different…. Thats why I hail and ask them.

    Makes sense since all vessels with radio are to monitor 16.

    It’s odd they would monitor 78 and 75 though.

    78 is a non commercial frequency and I had to run out to the garage and check on 75. My marine radio doesn’t have a 75(?)

    I got robbed!

    Posts: 1767




    What channel on the marine radio do the barges use?

    On the MN hail them on 16 and request a channel to transfer to. They operate on 78 and 75 usually. The mississippi they prefer lower channels. Every area is different…. Thats why I hail and ask them.

    Makes sense since all vessels with radio are to monitor 16.

    It’s odd they would monitor 78 and 75 though.

    78 is a non commercial frequency and I had to run out to the garage and check on 75. My marine radio doesn’t have a 75(?)

    I got robbed!

    I’m not the expert….just a licensed captain (with a masters and towing cert like you)

    I use the radio on the Minnesota and the Mississippi… they operate on multiple channels for work and for “b…sing” with each other and the work stations… My guess is its a little more informal on the Minnesota since its a tributary to the Miss. Point being… hail them on 16 and find out which channel is the operating channel for the area. Its not the same for all stretches… barge operators do appreciate anyone working with a radio.

    Posts: 1767




    What channel on the marine radio do the barges use?

    On the MN hail them on 16 and request a channel to transfer to. They operate on 78 and 75 usually. The mississippi they prefer lower channels. Every area is different…. Thats why I hail and ask them.

    Makes sense since all vessels with radio are to monitor 16.

    It’s odd they would monitor 78 and 75 though.

    78 is a non commercial frequency and I had to run out to the garage and check on 75. My marine radio doesn’t have a 75(?)

    I got robbed!

    I don’t think you got robbed… it should be on there…. I went and checked mine in the garage after this… they are there… (on mine) from good old Jolly Ann Marine.
    I guess I wouldn’t tell anyone to get hung up on this point… Check on channel 16 as all commercial vessels should be monitoring and request a channel to transfer too…they will let you know what channel they want to communicate with you on.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Check on channel 16 as all commercial vessels should be monitoring and request a channel to transfer too…they will let you know what channel they want to communicate with you on


    Larry, I wasn’t calling you out!

    Just thought it was odd. That’s all. Certainly not doubting your expertise on the river.

    Posts: 1767



    Check on channel 16 as all commercial vessels should be monitoring and request a channel to transfer too…they will let you know what channel they want to communicate with you on


    Larry, I wasn’t calling you out!

    Just thought it was odd. That’s all. Certainly not doubting your expertise on the river.

    Were okay on this end…. Just trying to keep confusion to a minimum.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316



    What channel on the marine radio do the barges use?

    On the MN hail them on 16 and request a channel to transfer to. They operate on 78 and 75 usually. The mississippi they prefer lower channels. Every area is different…. Thats why I hail and ask them.

    Thanks Larry. Good info to have.

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