How should I fish the river right now for flats?
Yeah, they’re spawning, at least some of them. Since flats don’t all spawn at the same time, they can be had.
Fish the same areas as you would in June. Wood snags, around rock piles, wing damns and closing dams. Again, the same locations you fished in June. Some of the years largest fish are caught and hopefully released from now until the end of the season in October.
The good ol’ tributary mouths shouldn’t be over looked now either. If you catch a fish at one location, fish it again. Most often than not there will be another there for a few weeks.
If you’re allowed two lines, use one for live bait and the other for half of a 8 in sucker. Personally I’ve found live suckers to be better than bullies at the tail of the spawn and into August. Can’t comment on bluegills darn it!
If you can fish with 3 lines, try tossing out some Sudden Impact fiber bait or other stink bait. Might as well see if there’s a channel in the area.
With the weather that being forecast, it’s going to me more than comfortable on the water in the wee hours of the morning. At least in our stretch the biting bugs have been kept at bay. Pick up a ThermoCell and some 3m Ultrathon and get out there.
Now is the time of the Upper Mississippi River Catfisherman!