After spending half my vacation cutting trees apart at the cabin, I made it home to do a little catfishing. I rarely get out during the week. 81 degree water temps, Sonny’s blood and some stretched strings. I think I am going to try to get out more during the week at this rate. I’ve had few years with so many 30 plus inch channel cats. It doesn’t seem to matter where you fish but the bite is later than usual. I was out for several hours with no bites at all then the dam broke. I ended up with 5 fish including these three bruisers. First fish was a dandy 31×19. While I was trying to photograph it I got another fish at 32×21 and 15 minutes later this beast at 34×22. I’m sitting here as I type this enjoying a bourbon and water and thinking I should head back out. The big one didn’t fight at all until it saw the boat and it took about 30 yards of drag before I could turn it. Then while boatside I heard this loud thunk as it rammed the bottom of my boat with gusto. Take care and thanks for reading my fish stories.
July 7, 2011 at 5:15 am