The FD is trying hard to find a reason not to jump in the boat.
Someone mentioned all the snakes he sees while out cat fishing.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Fishing by Species » Catfish & Sturgeon » Snakes on The Mighty Mississppi
The FD is trying hard to find a reason not to jump in the boat.
Someone mentioned all the snakes he sees while out cat fishing.
All the snakes?
Wasn’t me! Since 2004 I may have seen 6 snakes and those were during the mid day.
Although I can’t guarantee we won’t “see” one the chances of seeing one are less than someone in your family being struck by lightening.
The time you’re going out snake will have found a warm place to spend the night. The are cold blooded and seek heat before it cools off at night.
That’s not bs to get her to go.
Now, Beavers are another story.
Well, it’s better than snakes on a plane…
All the snakes?
Wasn’t me! Since 2004 I may have seen 6 snakes and those were during the mid day.
Although I can’t guarantee we won’t “see” one the chances of seeing one are less than someone in your family being struck by lightening.
The time you’re going out snake will have found a warm place to spend the night. The are cold blooded and seek heat before it cools off at night.
That’s not bs to get her to go.
Now, Beavers are another story.
I had 3 swim up and into the boat last year alone!
We used to have a house on pool 2 and I remember a few times when we could see tons of snakes swimming about 20 yards off our dock. Made swiming difficult
All the snakes?
The time you’re going out snake will have found a warm place to spend the night.
You guys aren’t helping.
Call me lucky, but I’ve never in 30 years of boating had a snake in the boat. Well, there was this time I invited on along on P4.
Now, Beavers are another story.
Must be fishing on the most northernly side of the river
The end to Jeff’s FD worries was no snakes were seen.
However the following night we had on making a V across the river well away from the back of the boat.
I don’t know why, but I NEVER have seen a snake on the Minnesota river like y’all get on the Mississippi. Of course I’ve only been fishing it 4 years now…eventually a guy might see one.
Maybe it’s because we don’t have the rocky shores that y’all have there, it’s all farmland and wildlife refuge here?
Have extra room in your boat aanderud? My FW wants to fish over there.
Is it because there are different species present in SE MN? Some of those snakes actually eat fish/minnows? Or is it because the ones born in Wisconsin are trying to escape?
The ones we saw were on their way to the 5th Annual Farve Retirement Party.
The northern water snake is a thick, medium-length snake marked with dark splotches and bands on a lighter background. It is active in the daytime. In Minnesota, it is most often found in vegetation along or swimming in water near the St. Croix, Mississippi, and Minnesota rivers.
Habitat and range
Northern water snakes live in vegetation along waterways. In Minnesota, they are most often found along the St. Croix and the Mississippi, especially in the southeast. Many winter in rock crevices, often with other snakes. They can swim well, and have been known to remain underwater for more than an hour at a time.
Active in the daytime AND at dusk.
I wonder what kind of snake it was that I tried going Crocodile Hunter on along the shoreline below the Naughty Hog. It was not quite that dark as a water snake.
Yes, I am aware that I left a door open.
That’s the trouble with Water Snakes, they have many variations of color. Personally I’ve never seen one that dark and the local photo’s I’ve seen are of much more slender snakes…no not garter snakes.
I’ll leave your door open for the next person.
If I had to guess going by my limited coherent state at the time, and by the descriptions and photos on the DNR site, I would say it was a fox snake.
See…and here I thought I knew everything about everything!
I’ve seen a couple of these Western Fox Snakes and just thought they were really long Northern Water Snakes!
Yeah, I’ll say it.
No, I’m not as smart as a fifth grader.
Their all the same in my eyes, one may be bigger than the other but they are still snakes!
Legless devils
Their all the same in my eyes, one may be bigger than the other but they are still snakes!
Legless devils
So was this really about Laura or YOU???
NO,I’m really not afraid of snakes
I just hate it when they stare at me.
They always look angry like eagles.
But Eagles taste much better. Not as bad as a California Condor, but better then a black footed ferret.
Someone at Evert’s tried to tell me they were water moccasins swimming in the water next to the cabins. When he showed me the one he killed I assured him it wasn’t.
I saw my first one of the year last night… was about 18in long, and as round a your thumb, with orange, and black markings…..It was cruising around the shallow water at the boat launch….. ISH!!!
My new favorite Western Fox Snake!
Aren’t they pretty…at a distance?
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