Fresh of YT Ice Fishing For Flatheads!

  • farmboy1
    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    I am not willing to say these fish were snagged. I watched both videos again, and there is nothing to say that they did not bite. My original comment was more a question than a statement of fact. Congrats to the angler for a couple nice fish

    With that said, those fish did not have any fight in them and were not very active if at all. I do not doubt that in certain conditions, flathead will feed in the winter the same as a “hibernating” bear will leave the den and feed during unseasonable weather conditions. It does not happen often, but it does happen and if you are there at the right time you could be the lucky guy.

    I would assume that the time frame of this video was either very early of late in the year and water temps were slightly higher than a “dead of winter” timeframe. Dtro may know more if he knows the location, but I would not be surprised if this was below some type of warm water discharge.

    All pure speculation

    Posts: 220


    flathead will feed in the winter the same as a “hibernating” bear will leave the den and feed during unseasonable weather conditions. It does not happen often, but it does happen

    All pure speculation

    Exactly My Point…..It dont happen often, but it can.

    LOTS of specualtion going on……LOTS!

    Posts: 1501

    To me it really doesn’t matter if they bit or not. From the evidence I’ve seen with my own eyes, my time is much better spent doing other things in the winter, but that is just me. If he or anyone else wants to cut hole in the river with a chainsaw and jig up some Flats, so be it. I can tell you this, the MN River ANYTIME of the year is not for the faint of heart, that alone is enough to keep me off, let alone the wintering thing.

    Aside from all that, the Sturgeon video is a little incriminating for a totally opposite reason. Sturgeon are a cold water fish, but the season is closed.


    Posts: 220


    To me it really doesn’t matter if they bit or not.

    So you’re saying you’d snag them.

    Kidding of Course.

    Posts: 1501

    I know of for sure 2 wintering areas and maybe a third. I’ve ran into a boat or two in the late fall yo-yoing with walleye gear for flats there. I’d only do it if there were Bass or Musky down there.

    Which brings up a serious point. For someone who doesn’t fish much for Bass or Musky, it would be pretty tempting to be able to do that and then snap a few pics and send em to my Esox friends…”hey look what I caught, that wasn’t so hard”. I think the same happens with wintering flats by those that don’t fish for them very often or understand their habits.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046

    The burning question is, does a snagged flathead taste different, then a “caught” flathead?

    I myself prefer the cold water effect on the meat, versus the summer water effect.

    More drawn butter please…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    flathead will feed in the winter the same as a “hibernating” bear will leave the den and feed during unseasonable weather conditions. It does not happen often, but it does happen

    All pure speculation

    Exactly My Point…..It dont happen often, but it can.

    LOTS of specualtion going on……LOTS!

    The difference in that comparison is that as long as there is ice, the water temp won’t change much no matter how long or warm the unseasonably temps last. It is a little different in a river and sure, if they are wintering near run off it could up a little, but not enough to move them to feed.

    IMHO, most flatheads, a great majority don’t eat all winter. It is possible for some creatures metabolism get so low there just is no need. A lungfish and some amphibians can be dormant for years without eating.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620



    Exactly My Point…..It dont happen often, but it can.

    LOTS of specualtion going on……LOTS!

    …the water temp won’t change much no matter how long or warm the unseasonably temps last. …

    …It is possible for some creatures metabolism get so low there just is no need….

    To the first quote… it’s not speculation, at all. It’s physics. As long as there’s ice in the river the water temps are 32ºF. You can’t change the rules of physics… and as long as the water temps are below 40ºF, flatties don’t feed.

    There ya go… not speculation. Physics and biology. Sounds like a college career to me.

    And as for the second quote… our ball pythons go off feed for 6 months out of every year and lose about 2% of their body weight (I’m agreeing with you, pug). It’s not just possible, it’s actually fairly common outside the warm-blooded species.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    (I’m agreeing with you, pug)

    You just lost what little credibility you had.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620



    (I’m agreeing with you, pug)

    You just lost what little credibility you had.

    I know, I know… so I’m not siding with YOU, I’m siding with the Laws of Physics, you just also happened to be standing there when it happened.

    We gonna get out together this year, btw?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    We gonna get out together this year, btw?

    Sure, right now besides the usual suspects StCroixer and my nephew Dave, I have requests from RyanK, Jakob, Lifer76, Allan and Breathless. I am going to have to set up a calender online.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    ONE of these guys will hand you a rod with a fish on it.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    ONE of these guys will hand you a rod with a fish on it.

    …and they need to pick the spots, not rely on my dead holes.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    …and they need to pick the spots, not rely on my dead holes.

    Dude, this is a family site… stop talking about your dead holes for cryin out loud…

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