Wednesday Night Channel Cat Therapy on Pool 8

  • bret_clark
    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    After making plans a year ago and postponing once a few weeks ago Surf-N-Turf (Gregory) and I finally made it out on pool 8 to drift for bottom dwelling things that go bump in the night.

    I would love to say that we put a big smack down on the cats, but that would be embellishing the story some We did however find some action with mid sized channels keeping the night from being a total bust. Gregory also had one fish I would have given an educated estimate to be just in the double digits come unbuttoned boat side, guess she was camera shy

    The tail waters and just behind were the place to be. The father away we ventured from the area the more blank the locator screen went. Along a clam bed just out of the tail waters held fish too, at first when I mentioned a clam bed Gregory thought I was full of After seeing a clam shell snagged and then later a double on live clams that fell off boat side, I would have to say he became a believer

    I would have liked to seen bigger fish make it to the boat but as always on the water, it was a great time making a new friend and showing him a new style of fishing, which is what I like most about taking someone out who has not tried a particular technique for catching fish. Hopefully Gregory has gained some knowledge that will work just as well on his home waters while searching out Channel Cats.

    It was a great time Gregory, thanks for the conversing, I learned a ton myself……4,000 gallons of fuel …… Kwik Trip has got to love it when they see a locomotive pull in too fill up, and if NASCAR could figure out a way to put 4,400hp under the hood they would have to straighten out the left turns

    Pictured here is Surf-N-Turf with a couple Channel Cats caught.

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