What was it?

  • lookin4fish
    Posts: 109

    i was out flat head fishing last night and after a very, very slow night, i headed to a new spot. after about an hour there the bells started to ding, the rod was dipping and i handed the rod to my girlfriend to set the hook, as she did, there was no weight there. reeled it in and the line was broke up above the swivle. she didnt even get to put a hook set in so the lind didnt break when she set the hook. the way i figure, whatever it was had to have ingested the bullhead, swivel and all. would a cat do this or was it more likely a snapper?

    anyways, My college buddy moved back from colorado after living out there for 2 years so fishing was a must. he bought a boat on his first day back friday night before getting an appartment, a house, or starting a new job. this guy has his priorities right! so he picked up the boat fiday night and we spent the next day fixing things up. we finished up late afternoon and took it for a test run. my buddy gene and his brother have never caught a flathead so thats what we decided to target. after many snags, we manage to pull one out. gene had the honors of pulling this one in since he need to put his first fish in his new boat. ended up with about a 13 lbs (best guess) catfish. it took a nice juicy bullhead. he was pumped! stayed out till 1am and decied to call it quits. here is the pic of that one. it has been slow out there for me. i feel like the one fish wonder no matter how long i stay out. its enough to keep me coming back!

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 105

    Last year me and my friend were having the same problems with fish biting our line off. Finnaly I caught one and it turned out to be a Pacu. This was the third one caught out of the black river and so far is the largest of the three. I know this probably wasn’t what was happening to you, but I thought I would share.

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Could have been a gar. They are pretty frisky this time of the year.I have had a few tangle in my line above my leader but have never had one break me off.

    Posts: 109

    whats your 2 cents briank. you have logged a few hours out there, what would be your take?

    Posts: 3835

    I would guess that the fish took the bait and headed back to its snag. There was a sharp object in the way. Probably a zebra mussle or something. There may have been a weak spot on your line. It doesn’t take much.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826


    I have had a few tangle in my line above my leader but have never had one break me off.

    Same here! Never had one break the line and the two times it happend to me was with 80lb powerpro and 55 lb cortland dacron. You could see good damage done to about 3-6 inches of the line but dont know what would happen to mono if thats what you guys were running.

    Congrats to your buddy on his first flat

    Posts: 109

    i guess i will never know, but i will be back to see if i cant figure it out on my own. thanks for your input!

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 105

    I now that the gar really active right now. I have been doing some bowfishing and getting some spawning gar. That’s just a guess.

    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 363

    A bowfin can slice right through your line, too. It’s happened to me. I’ll get a good bump, a quick run, and by the time I pick up the rod, I’ve lost everything below the swivel.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I guess we will never know…but if I were to guess, I would jump on Whiskerkevs wagon.

    What kind of line are you using?

    By the way, being a one fish wonder is not a bad thing…there are many folk that go out many times with out a run!

    Hang in there, you’re doing something right and when the stars are just right…have a multiple night that you’ll never forget….guarenteed!

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Hell I’ve olnly got one flat all summer so far. But I keep on truckin’ I’m new and keep my ears open and try to fish everyday even if just for abit. eventually it’ll pay off.


    I guess we will never know…but if I were to guess, I would jump on Whiskerkevs wagon.

    What kind of line are you using?

    By the way, being a one fish wonder is not a bad thing…there are many folk that go out many times with out a run!

    Hang in there, you’re doing something right and when the stars are just right…have a multiple night that you’ll never forget….guarenteed!

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