Hey guys, been a long time since I’ve posted anything here and don’t know if anyone remembers me or not but I’ve been really busy lately now that I’ve gotten into the trucking industry. Anywho my old man, a friend and I headed out to the redwing area in hopes to catch some big flatheads. I guess we did decent for the time of year. Got alot of runs some hit and miss but my buddy caught a couple flats nothin big both were 12-15 lbs but none the less they were flats and some real nice forktails all from 10, 12, and even a 15 pounder. It’s slow and they’re all spread out but I know a few real nice flat and channel spots I won’t tell specifically but it’s around where the vermillion dumps into the Missippii. Anyone here fish that area at all? I’m wondering if it’s maybe better to fish the main river idunno. Wish we had live bullheads that night prolly woulda caught more, those damn suckers die so easy. Wish we remembered the cameras too but anywho were gonna give it another shot maybe this weekend. aight have a good one all.
May 15, 2007 at 8:29 pm