Would Circles work on a Surge MH ?????

  • mr-special
    Posts: 696

    I picked up a Surge MH, from where esle Moore’s.
    Paired it up with a C7000. It’s gonna be used as my Flathead/Sturgeon set.
    I just couldn’t wait to try it out!!!
    So yesterday I tested her on some channels and it worked great. Maybe the best cat rod, that I’ve every fought a good side fish one. Caught a #10, #12, and #6.
    I was running 4/0 Octa’s “it’s weird having to set the hook again”
    But was wondering If you guys think the tips are slow enough for running ciricle hooks?

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Is that the lighter of the 2 rods Phil? I believe it is. If it is, you shouldnt have any problems with circles when its not *nibblers* down there picking at your bait. The heavy surge rods might be a problem for circles, they are heavy.

    Posts: 696

    yep, it’s the lighter action one.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    did you hit the lottery or something…

    Those are awesome rods….congrats dude.

    Get ready for some Flattys I had one swim up and hang out for bit with me last night down at the creek I threw a paddle tail right on his noggin and he didn’t flinch just kind of circled the area before taking off.

    Posts: 696

    Sort of kinda, I sold the house. So no more house payments = more $$$ for fishing gear.
    Give me a buzz, and will get out.

    Posts: 1501

    The surge detected the lightest sturgeon bite this weekend yet allowed me to “horse” a 60″ fish in a few minutes.
    All caught on circle hooks.
    Lovin the Surge.

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