I have fished below the coon dam and have caught channels. Havn’t had any luck on flats though…wondering if there’s any cats above the coon rapids dam? Flats? Channels?
I have caught many channels on cranks on my trolling milk run for smallies. They are definitely up there, never actually tried to fish for them on purpose, but if I were to I know where I would go.
I second that the channel cat fishing above the dam is pretty good. I have even heard of big ones pulled out of that small bay at the boat launch on the East side, behind the visitor center.
Rumer has it there were baby flatheads caught by hand below the dam….ok, it was me geniusly misidentifying stone cats.
Well, if you are talking in general – I have caught nice cats as far North as Cloud. I know they exist North of there, but have not had first hand experience.