My grandfather visited me this weekend. (83 years old) and he still takes his boat out on the (rock) river down south….., anyway he told me that he wanted to due some catfishing and have some fillets to take home….
I thought great, I just need to get some suckers or creek chubs…. the problem was I had NO time….. I have never actually bought catfish baite before, so I called up dirk (catpartner) and he had a bunch of suckers left over from the ftr cat tourney ….
He said go ahead and take them…. well I started to feel bad and thought I am not going to take the last of his baite so I went to the baite store in hasting’s ………..
large suckers please….. I asked how much, the lady explained 1.50 a piece…… and these were no LARGE suckers.. I thought [censored] just give me those dead ones I can’t see paying that much…… 1.00 a piece for the dead ones…… what! 1.00 for a dead 4 inch sucker? Yep, she say’s ….. well give me about 8 live ones then ….. she gave me 8 suckers that turned belly up in two hours I should have bought the dead ones…… to make a long story short….. CATCH YOUR OWN SUCKERS….. those suckers were iether made of gold or your baite distributer is bending you over,,,,, because four seasons sells 6inch suckers for 60 or 80 cents…….. you guys have a super shop and that is my only complaint because it seems the rest of your stuff is priced pretty well…….. I blame myself for bieng in the predicament of having to buy biate…. but 1.50 seems kinda high…..hate to [censored], well, I actually I enjoy to once in awhile but I know you guys donated a lot of prizes to the ftr get together so I don’t feel bad paying for the gold suckers,,,
August 29, 2001 at 3:08 pm