Sturgeon Contest Sept 16th!!

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Today’s the day!

    Who’s going to be the hot stick?

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I predict some EXTREMELY IMPRESSIVE fish pictures showing up sometime soon!

    What a great day out there.. sustained 30 mph+ winds all day, waves hitting 3′-4′ in some areas, but the fishing was good and everyone caught some fish, many of us caught a lot of fish. Lots of foriegn debris floating around.. even the 55 gallon plastic barrel was of no surprise floating by faster than most of the cruisers. Eventually we could smell burgers on a grill 100’s of yards upwind, and soon a welcome phone call to get some grub(thanks LARRY )

    The weather through just about everything at us it could without a storm overhead.. that came at the end and I believe most of us left before it hit. Weather or no weather, you couldnt keep a great bunch of guys (and ladies) down! I had a great time out there and it was a complete success! I dont think anyone had a bad time and I know the group in our boat had a great time!

    Thanks to everyone who participated. Even though this wasnt a large scale event, I dont think its a day I will ever forget in the most positive way!

    Thank you Moores Bait for making effort to have gatherings like this to get people out and have a good time while fishing!

    Posts: 721

    It sure was good sailing weather out there today!! Thanks to Bob Moore and all who put this great event on. When is the next one????

    It was great to see such good numbers and quality fish being caught by all today! I will brave wind and waves like that any day to have a day like that again.

    Hey Dave you should post the meet time at Moores bait to see the prize and share stories. Aqua Joe and I were wondering what time we were all going to meet tommorow.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I think we put it at 3:00 didnt we?

    I’ll be around sometime around noon… I think the usual gathering will happen anywhere starting early afternoon to mid afternoon.

    I am not sure how many participants there were. I have a good guess.. I believe there will be 2 paying places. I know who got 1st place.. 2nd might be a close race?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    We are all waiting for the photo’s!

    I was thinking about you guys/gals all day…a couple cat guys came in from the dam area with pics of a 50 and 55 inch sturgeon they caught while catfishing. I didn’t get a chance to talk with them about cats…

    Anyway…back on topic..I’ve started a post in the St Croix forum to keep all the pics in one spot.

    >Please Post Pics Here<

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Dang it! Larry was cooking and I missed it!

    Sound like you guys had a grand time…lots-o-fish and lots-o-fun.

    Was it one of our guys that had the engine trouble?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    and that’s why I tell everyone to have a good spotlight along with ALL navagation lights on out there…

    The Croix is like no other body of water I’ve ever seen in this respect. I’ve had power boat and BIG power boats go between me and a can many times. Day or night…once just recently would have broke off my rod had I had one out on that side of the boat.

    You are so right about magnets! One half mile wide river and they have to come with in 300 yards of shore and within 100 feet of an anchored boat.

    Need a big sign with a flashing arrow pointing toward the WI shore…

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    So that’s what it takes to beat Larry and Dtro…..WOW

    I need a longer measuring stick……

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 33

    “You are so right about magnets! One half mile wide river and they have to come with in 300 yards of shore and within 100 feet of an anchored boat.”

    Its crazy out there…. i dont know how many times this happened to us over the weekend. Last night we were anchored had lights on, etc. and huge cruiser comes within 30ft of out boat. Not kidding this was close. Dave and I do the joint effort yelling at him, and his excuse was that he didnt know what we were! WTF!!! you didnt know what we were??? Gee, what has a white light, a green and a red and bobs up in down in the water not moving. Give me a break. Anyways, my little rant there… cautious out there, cuz they’re not. But anyways, the contest was awesome….I didnt catch much, but it was pretty cool watching Dave and Brandy slay the fish all weekend. The monster was obvously unbelieveable. Thanks to all of those out there that helped our boat out in one way or another (pictures, food, etc) it was a great time!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Gee, what has a white light, a green and a red and bobs up in down in the water not moving.

    …and yelling at you!

    Although it’s a serious post…that’s funny!

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