
  • eyebuster
    Posts: 1025

    I am new to this whole river fishing thing( just a dunb lake fisherman), but I would really like to catch one of these faltheads I hear talked about so much. The only thing is I really dont know where to start. Looking for a little help on where they tend to hang out are they a main channel or a backwater fish. Any help would be great I am not looking for your favorite hole just a point in the right direction. Will be looking to Pool 5 Through 7. Thanks

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Nuts Eyebuster! If you were fishing P2 I would give you a bunch of spots!

    From my little understanding of P5 (which isn’t much more than 6 or 7…and I know nothing about them) there’s some flow down that way. Look for cuts that have deep and shallow water off the main channel. They need some cover..so look for what we call a snag…which is generally wood all piled up and stretching out into the water. Sink a bullhead, sucker or creek chub under the snag around dusk. If your from WI or IA…I would use as sunny…(check with the laws for the state that your in for legal bait).

    There will be someone around here to help you with your questions…but most of them are answered in back posts already. It’s pretty hard to cover everything (like I could anyway ) in one post.

    Welcome to the Darkside! (but we do need to do something with your handle….

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Or set up a trip with BrianK himself. He’s down on pool 4 this week. No better way to learn.

    Maybe he’d stop attempting to sell everits if he has a trip.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Chris! You just won a jar of stink bait!

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Just what I always wanted!

    Posts: 721

    Brian you better throw in some Ritz crackers with that, it tends to stick to the roof of the mouth otherwise. Hey then he could wash it down with a nice room temperature bullhead vino courtesy of Fisher Dave.

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